Page 319 - chs-1995
P. 319
Jasmine :Marie 'Be[[otte
" 1 can do au things through Christ which
strengtheneth me. •• Phillippians 4:13
Yo<lre the best sister anyone could ever
be stuck with. YCKK beauty, talent, and
faith have grown throughout the years.
Yo<lre a great person. and I love YOU vuy
Your sis,
My Precious Daughter, Jasmine,
I am so proud of YOU. You are vuy precious to me.
YOU make my heart happy.l thank God every day in how
he has blessed me with YOU.
My prayer for your i/'e is that you wil continue to
show the love of God to othus. as you have already
You have tr<.AY touched my heart by al your
accompishments you have achieved, also by the way I
have seen you try so hard to encourage othu people to
move in the riSht direction. You are a very special
person to me.
I know God is pleased with you,so am L
I Love You so much, Mom
Congratulations on al of YOur
accomplishments. I always knew
you coud do it. Keep the faith in God
and aU your dreams wil come true.
One of mine already has, I found youl
I love you. Sean 315