Page 323 - chs-1995
P. 323
J-{ertfia, f£rin and Marie
It's ltDrd to pw all my tltDwgJw and memorU.s
do"'" ""papu b«caws. we ltDv• so ""'"1· W• ltDv•
ltDd too ""'"1 rood timu to COIUll and IM f•w bad
'JUI4rday. r,. ltavi"' •ltard tilru bc/Uvi"t lluJt our Aitlt I am eternally grateful for the day each of you came
tinvs ,...·u ltDd ltDv• W<ll lo11g forg•ll•ll. Tit.
IIC/tool J«aTS arc .. tltiltt oftlw pcut. Y'al/arctlt« but into my life. Girls, I will always cherish the fun times two of yow ar•t"- butfrU.IIds I cowld'v• •vu
fruttds I could mr aslfor. We've ""'duo ""'"Y we've shared in the past, and f/ooked foward to the asud for. I fu/liU tit. two of yow ar< my si.stus
~~~~eoiUIIabu ,..1110riu. Do,.'tfort«~ about"'~ r~l4rtkd adventures of the future. From our juice fig/us at and part of my fartUJy. W•'v• 1011• tltrowth and
pul wp willt so much that I ca11't h«li•v• wc'v•
Bolivilvl "ultior cirac,.· voluybal/faltS lluJt stood Wf1 °" Epiphany School to our Senior "mellow out" parties, I
stay<d 1101 alt!y fri•llds, bw b«st fri•llds tltri*flt
tJw rolur COGSI4r llltli UuuJ.d ill tJw ftutJtou.r•, a moM« Ill of have always loved the two of you. In fact. [' m looking il all. I .bww tltDt 110 mallu what, .,. will alw<~ys
liu~~ec .. No ""'t14r wltat,l will always be tltmfor you altd I foward tO enjoying our "elderly years" a/ready. stoy clou ill h<art. Mo1 o/1 yowr ltopos and
lAow lluJt if l•v•r 11ud lt«/p, you two ar• rig Itt buick ..... I God bless you both. duams com« trw. God blus bollt ofyow. llov•
you ruys! ErU.
tltalll Godforour fri•ttth/Up ·you 1uys ar•tlt« but! I lov• Love, Marie
you two. H •rlluJ
13est of !friends