Page 320 - chs-1995
P. 320

Fr-iends For-ever-

                                We  finally  made it  and 1    Sh41'lf')()f").
                                am PYoud to say we aYe         It is h4t"d to believe  th4 t  we
                                stUI as close as eveY.  We     used  to  h4 te  e4ch  othet"
                                have  been  thYough  so        when I fit"st moved het"e, then
                                much  togetheY.  Thank         we  bec4me  the  best  of
                                you  foy  being  such  a       ft"iends.   Wh4t  h4ven't  we
                                SYea  t  fyiend.  If you evey   been  tht"ough?   I'll  4IW4YS
                                need me  I'll  be  theYe  foy   Yemembey   ouy   speci4l
                                youl  Good  luck  in  the      ft"iendship  4nd r11  ALWAYS  be
                                futuYe.                        het"e thet"e fOY Y<>UI
                                Love,                          Love Y4,
                                Shannon                        I< Men

                                                                                         ...   -   .   .         '
                                                   William Conrad Saunders
                                                              Bl1                                     .. - ---=- ......  --- -

                                           You are a wonderful
                                           son and brother. We
                                           are very proud of you
                                           and hope all your
                                           dreams come true!
                                           We love you,
                                           Dad, Debbie, &
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