Page 497 - chs-1995
P. 497

Terry Calloway               Co~cl~~l~lon
                                                                 If the  Soultl Wolid'VB  Won  Honk Willoams Jr
                                           O.woyne Compbel                "You bell"
                                             ALQ. 20. 1976        FFA Vtee-Relident 9. Pcncmentanrn 10,
                                                                    President  11. Vice-Re~dent 12.
                                  ·                   Lauro Moe Clayton
                                            Robbie Compbel                ~ 24.1977
                                            "Heavy Meld"                  Gelt.pon/1
                                             Dec. 29,1976        •  Be yourself end do not let rnyone chrnge
                                         Enter Salctnat-Metdico       you best  state or mind"
                                                                  Studenl COlllCil Representative 9.  I 0 , II.
                                          Theotheolo Compben     Student Cat.neU Secretay 12; FEA  11; FBlA  10.
                                               ·reo·             11,  12. FHA  Closs ttvee Vice'Pfe~dent; Who' s
                                             .kn 15.1977
                                          ~n You Need Me--        ~~~%/~n,:._c;~e~:s~~ 9;
       The computero a"' 1Upp<Me to be ror educational   AaonHdl
       uae only, Stephanie A&h,  not fun games.                          Joundism. 12.        Who a"' the30 rNoked S.nlora7- Thor Kolnea
                                         "First Deserve then Desrlre"                         and  Tnevor WUUamo,  who e1 .. 7
                                     Student Colrd 10; FBlA 10, Reporler11 ,   S~n];f~}?lt
                                    rr~~~: ~~~:if:'~ir1o
       l'tSIO<y ~ar Y,  Honorc:t:lte Mention 10., ~HA 9.,               Desperodo-fogles
      BetaCilb 11 , 12 .• CHAOSCilb 12 .. SpalishCilb                     "You know?"                 ~!~~~roy
       11 , VIce- Ptesldent  12 .. Notiond Honor Society   Trovla J. Carlen   Student COU"ldd10. 11 . 12; .llnor Class
                                                                                                       Moy20, 1976
       10. VIce-Resident 11 . 12 . M.JAiphoTheta 10.   /lp. 12. 1977   Pre,dent 11; Edt or or roger Tole  12; Assstont   Never U.-.flvnoiU'•
               11. Pte!kient 12.           ""Heat Ilk• Mne       Section Edtor Yeabook II; Sludent/Teocher
                                                                  Advisory COl.ndl 11; Donee Cllb 10.11.12.   "Get In where you nt In"
               ·~~i;. ~977n                 Stephen Comley       SADD Club 9; Peer Comseling Club 9; Sponsh   Food Prod.Jctlon II end II 12. Footboll 9
                                             ALg 4,1976
                                                                 Olb 9; hteroct Clb 12; Member or 199~· 1 993
                                                                                                      Shown Creech
            As~ os I Ccn  Drean
      ~~;~bu,9~1·~~~~~F:= m               Ret-:~~~ Cor1•r        C~J?!~~~~~e 9 J~c1 1 ~c;r;,ic~~~      Moy:ll, 1975
                                                                 Bo~aode 9, 10; His1ory Far Worner Dstnct,
              11,12;MO.b 11.                 .kn 25. 1977         s•~!; r~~~J<r,r/Fc'~~~~~er\~        Hoyle Crowd• r
                                          AnQie- Rolling StonM                                         ..Ln. 26. 1977
             Cam.ron Stocl lrown     • He never sold It woud be ec:6'(Y. he orly   Caplan 12: Voted Best All Arc:A.nd 9; Most   Ullin on LoVB- Akrl Jockson
                 "Red"                   sold It woUd be wor1h 11 .•  0   CongeniollO; Best Otficer 11. MothAwad 11,   OCT Ob 11. 12.
               ..Ln.  16. 1976     FresiYnon Cheerleader 9;J V  Cheerleader 10:   Clhzensl'ip A word 11; Princlpol'.s Leader shop
             Fa BeHnd-.Crnde Box    Vatlty Cheerleader 11.12. JV Sotbd19. 10.   Aword 12; Leo Cllb 12: Homecomang   Lotcaho Lcahone Cluaow
               "I redly doll!"     Yeaboolc 10.  11 , 12: Jlrior SecHon Edtor 11;  1st   ActMUes 9, 10. 11. 12.   o.:c~~76
          Bald 9; FHA -Hero 10; M  Ob 12.   ploce History Far 1 O;C\Jol ErYotment 11 ,12;
                                    CHAOS  11; Photgraphv Cub 11 ; Powder FVf   John Cole         Btlfor• I L•l rou Go .alockJtreet
               Riehle Brown            Football 9. I 0; ~Sll Maine Lei>  11;   Jllle 16. 1976       "You wrong for thai I"
                "lkl'ie"              Homecoming Activities 9.10.11 .12.                      Pep Cllb 9; FEA  10,11; 'Mnter Guad 11; HOSA
               Moy25, 1977                                                Krlatln Cole              10. 11; Powder PUT  10,11
           M. Unco.n-- Honk WI  io'ns       Trovll Cor1er                 N:>v  2. 1976
            "He! bent cabin bound"          ~-~~-7                  I C:~o;.,. My ~~~~~Jrcit       Joaon Edward Culpepper
      \/Ice Ptesldent FFA 9; FFA  10.  11,  12; 'Mesftlng                                                ".Joy"
          9,10,11,12;'MesllngCq::llckl 12.   I Never Seen A Men Cry-&:orfoce   Terns 9,10,1 N2: Notional Honor Society   Sep. 18. 1977
                                     "Get LP, 9et out. end sometl'ing •   10.11,12; [Xd ErYolment 12; Student COl.nCII   1'1  Make Love to Yoti'.floyz I  Men
             Chrillle Joy Brownlee   Bosketbdl Mcrtoger; Va•ty. Bald 9,10.11.   10.12. Joundlsn 11 ,12. Beta Cllb 10.11.12. Mu   "Whd 0'~ 'm"hg at?"
               ~~.tr9;7                    Tyrone L Cor1er       Alp>'la Theta 10.11.12; Spcrish Cllb 9; Senate
                                                                 Page 11; Powder Puff  1 0.11,12; Homecom10g
               Frede C\Jit..J 11            • C..stnoolh"       ActMiles; AP Hstory 11. Academe   Detrick D. Curry
                                            Dec. 24,1975
           "I crn ... beco..~se I'm cute I"   .Qlf'lAr .t;~ _,,,...,.,vf"Y"V9,...,..   Letter 10,11. hternohond Ob 12.   "Dee"
       JV Chee<leoder 10. Vc:nlty Chee<leoder 11.                                                      Ma 22. 1976
      12 .. Vasity Sottt::dt 9.  10. 12.. Newspcper Stoll                                        I Never Seen A Men Cry-&:orfoce
      10,11.12 .. Yeaboolc Stctf 10, 11. Section Edlor                                         Bosketboll9; Manager 9; JV Football 10;
      12. Photogrq::lhy Cllb 11 . Sprnl!h Cllb Sgt.-ot-                                           Weightlltng Team 9.10.11 ,12
      ams 11 .. CECF  12 .. Homecomino ActMties 9,
      10,  11 . 12.,Sottbdlletter 10, 12 .. Cheerleoodng                                            Kimberly Aic:lo Cuny
      Letter 11.12,PowderFVf9. 10.  11.  12.. Dcnce
       Club 10 .. Chee<leodng TOP GUN Aword 12.                                                        ~ 14,1976
               FF~~(U.)97~                                                                            "I'm so deep"
                                                                                                    Stephanie Cuahmon
             Lelg~.g3~'Mront                                                                  3, 1977
                                                                                                   Rain King • COllltlno Crows
      "It's a weekend thine  Orly on the weekend •                                                  "I went K- PLEASE I"
       Peer Comselhg 9, 10. 11 .. FFA 9., Chorus 9 .                                          Tlgerettes Ueutenc:nt 9.10,11. CO.Captoln 12;
      Sludent Coucl 10 . M  Cllb 11,  12.. Oncrnentd                                         Student Councl Treosuerer 12; Dcnce 10; FHA
             Hortic:Utue Cllb 12.                                                              9;  Honors Classes 9,10.11,12; Executive
                                                                                               lntem!t-4> 12; AP Amerlccn History 11; AP
               l rod Bucklea                                                                  Ameoccn Government 11, Sponsh 9; Ptom
               ..u 26.  1977                                                                   Committee 11. M.J Alpha Theta I 0; Dual
      ~~1i.~'ft~~~.~.                                                                         ErYollment 12. hteroct 12. Leo Cllb 12.~'s
               Ptesldent  12.             J<eri P•pp.>s •nd ArNnd• Ezell s~ back •nd relax during •nother d•y or   Who Among Am  Hi~ School Students  10.11.
                                                                                             ~~C::rll.f1~~~ ~~~~·~~~
              l ryon Bucklea                                                                          Bosebott  11
               Au;J.6, 1976
            Love Me-collin Rove                                          Joey Colllna
          "Rule f'Unber one No Poottos•                                  0::1.2. 1975
       Bcrd9.10,11.12: McrcHng Brnd9,10.11,12;   The best mBa~~ 'li the best pion'   C:Ordon Doug Cape, Ill
       Jazz Bald 9,10,11,12; Aoys the trunpet.
                                          lemordrlck Coaon               ~~~76              rr9~--) --
              Richard Bullard              l'ug. 10, 1975                  Rld1
               0::1.5.1976                                        Photography 12; Enjoys playing Bllio'ds
                                          ~regory Coaoody
            Melluo Darlene Burna            Dec. I. 1976                Wea~~e~~lhron                lobilho DOIIoe
               Mo.t3. 1977                                                                             ·roo·
          Mote ltlon Word>-- Extreme     Thomoo Paul Caatlllo            N:>v. 29, 1976               .Jcn.  1. 1977
            Wom~~-9-12:                     ·Tommy·             Never Seer1 A Men Cry Till Seer1 A Men D-e-  Do I  dtty- ~er
                                           Oct 26. 1976
       Vocd Ensemble 9-12; Volleybdl 9-11;  •   D-ean CAl-· Aerosmith   ·Only the strong SU\Iive •   "Get 1n wt-..f• you m 1n·
      ~~t%~~=~v..~~               • The key to lrrmordity. Is fwst IM"lg a  ~fe worth   Foolbol9; Jlrior Vasily Boset::dt 9.10; va,ty   .JennW• r Kay Dampier
                                          remembering •
                                                                Boseboll 11.  12; Crmlnol Justice AS3ociotion
                                          Soccer 9,10,11,12.             Cllb 11,  12.               Sept  1, 1976
             Stephen l utcher
                "&.Jich"                                                                           "" INho/e New  World
               Aprl20,1977               Evo~~~~ ... y                 Mlaly Michelle Cox       FHA  12 .. PeerC~9. 10
                                                                        /'u;J  15. 1977
           Fcnloshc Vo)IOQe - Coollo       Moy, 5, 1977                 "Some people I"
              ~::~¥."              lf'J So Had to Say  Good-Bye to YeJifHdoy-  Letter9,10.11 ,12; [Xd ErYollment  12; Executive   Krillopher 'olrlck Daniell
                                                                Notiond Honor Society 10,11.12.Acodemlc
                                            Boyzl Men
                                                                    hternnp 12. Brnd9,10,11,12.      ~~ .. p~7
                                  Machine Bcrld ~~o':'ri. ~~~phonic Bald                     Knocldn' on Heaven'J Door· Gull 'n
                                   9, 10. If. 12.Women'sChorus 11.  12; Vocd   Rebecca Ann•  Cox
                                  Ensemble  12; Bend Director's Aword 9; Honors   "Becky"    "Life Is a lot like baseball  The lne drlves ae
                                                                                             c:lwafs Co.Jght. The SQ.Jbbers go for bose
                                         Coones 9,10.11.12.              Feb. 2. 1977
                                                                     Ultte Red Corwlfe-Pmce   Baseball~-~~~ ~~:·1r~r~~;; Perfect
                                          Chad Chancey                   ·rm ~ke . .. •      Attendence 11; DAM 10, 11. 12. Favorite
                                           ~.3. 1976              Tigerettes end Best Dcncer   ... ......_,. 1,0,?~   •
                                                               A wad 11.Lt. 12. !Mitmmlng 1 0; Student Cat.neH
                                                                   9,10,11. Serior Closs Treasuer 12;
                                                                Homecoming Achvltles 9,10.11.12.  M1ss CHS
                                                                r\I'Oer-t.p 10; Donce Cllb 10.11 , Ptesldent  12.
                                                               French Cllb 10. Excellence In ()a)ce 10.11.12.
                                                                ExceRence In Mathematics 10; A8 Honor Rol
                                          Zohro Cherowolo                StociCox
                                           Ar.sJ, 1, 1978                 "Sissy·
                                                                        /lp 16. 1976
                                        Nicole Marie Chrillenaen     fa Behind- Crndebox
                                           ~s'\1.~~77                llcndY,IU,II,I:l; ~~AY.
                                                                        "l'lvrAn  Mo.·
                                         Dafn • Nldcl- Ptince
                                          "Who's Is thai?"             Deondre' Croy
                                   JV. i,h~~"2!~~~CE'ci~~g 9;
                                                                        Sep. 6.  1976
                                   :iophomore SecHon Yeortx>ok  IU; :,ports   Ccn I Get a IOu-.fJodc Street
                                  Edtor 12; Yeabook ActMHes 10,11,12. lnteroct   • &.Jt Artywoy"
       Todd c,..,.n walt. for the IWftt oound ol that   12; Leadership 12.   JV Football 10: Perfect Attendrnce 11  Years;
       final  bell                                                    Artr•..., · t:t-4.&~   t.rtc Ad•mo •nd Drew Law enjoy a few lougha
                                                                                             while enjoying lunch.
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