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P. 502

Rlno  Potel            I CotJd Or-ly ~; Y011 Nane       Wendy hlrouo
                                                                                                      Sep. 15. 1977
                                             ~"1r~77                Booebdl9, 10. 11. 12; Foolbcil9.   ·v~~~~~-~~~?·
                                                                       Lori Rebecca l'lltmon
                                     V~ty 1lgerett.:'ro':f:'.'f{ht In stole; Jl/   Ap-. 8, 1977       Dalce 11. 12.
                                   Tlgerettes 9; Perfect ottendcnce OWO<d  10.11;
                                    Academic letter 10,11 ,12; Keydlb 10;Peer   ·rm a~~ ~lhd~~t!.e~eoder 9;   Catherine Reynolda
                                      CO\IlS&IIng 9,12; FSU marine 9; E11ope   Peer Counseling I ond I  9; Photography CU:>   'Col'
                                    Ed.Jc:alloncHOll 10; A1Helc letter 10.11,12;   1  0                Ap. 28. 19n
                                   leaders In conference at WosHngton D. C. 1 0;   ~~ l~:1~~r2:~ i~~1~:   I' I  Be "-e For You-8on .Ioiii
                                     Merit Sc:hola!hlp letter 10; Dalce lean   D-ana Cllb 12; Peer COIIW8ing Ill ond r.t  12   ·vou do tho!.'
                                   performance In Bct-anos 10. At! dlb 1 0. 11. 12;            Frenc:to Cllb 10; M  Cllb 11. Science Fd'
                                    hdCFl c:Uiu'ci dcnce owod 9,10,11;  CHAOS   Lort Krlolon l'lta   Awad 10; Phologrqlhv Cllb 11; leo Cllb
                                    10; PhotogcV'Iv dlb 10.11. HistoriCJ112. AP   "LO'IY.      11 .12; Jolrndlrn 11 .12; Yeotx>olc Section
                                   classes 10. 11; C>.JCJI  Ervollment 12; Beta Cllb 12;   May 10.1977   Edt or 12. Bcilet 11; l>..d ErYolmenl 12.
                                    leo cUb 11. Cirector 12; Executive lnternsHp   Low Can llild A /)'/dgff-The Judds
                                      12; SAOD  12; Crmhci ..l.oslice Student   'Uke ... Uke'   Alexandre Starl<• Vlelrd de Rezende
                                    Assoclollon 12; lnlemollond 12; 3-d ploce   OCTTreCB.Jrer  11 , President 12; leoCU:> 11,12;   'Alex"
                                   school t-istory fdr 9; Orlcndo conventoon 9,12;   Phologq)hy 12.    Mel~' 1, 1976
                                    Alai convention; AJI.Americcro Sc:holc:n 9;
                                                                                               'love one~~ ::0~ loved you.·
                                    ~~~~~~~-w~~                          Ja,.. PoOle          Frenc:to Cllb 12; hlemoliond Clb 12; At! Cllb.
                                           school service  12.           APf' 16.19n
                                                                         Lori Ann l'oole              J"!~ Rlcha~
                                          Amanda Lynne l'oyne             ·ee..oee·
                                             'MaU:I'                      ~>o. 29.19n                  Moy~77
                                             Ap-. 25.1977         Wlat Do You Want From  ~ •  Pink Royd   Don't Tdce the Qrl-Tlm McGraw
                                            LOW'rlder • Wa               'I love Mike.'          'Maybe Tomorrow·  'So' 'Slxe'
                                            ·Ate you side?'              Aogleam 10.                ROTC  lllne Team 9.10.
                                   Vcnlly o-teodng 12;Terrls lean 9,10. 11;
                                    FRT 9,10; lnleroct HY.11. Tr80Sller 12; Dcnce   Ja,.. l'owel     lour!~~: Ring
                                    dlb 10.11.12;CHAOS 10.11;SiudentcOU'd   Mach22. 1977
                                   rep. 9,1 0; Veabook stotf 10,11,12; Powder pUT                     ..IJle 24. 1977
                                    9,10.11 .12; homecomhg oc1Mies9,10.1 1.12;   Andrea Nlckole l'rldgen   RevoMion-· Beolles
                                      ErYolled lnhonon c:IOsses 9.10.11 . 12;   "Ncky'            • Mov the force be with you.·
                                    Ne~ stat WTiter  10.11; AP Americcro   Feb. 26. 1976     FHA 9.1 0, 11; Stole Sectetay 12; Naliord Honor
                                    tistory 11 ; Crtmlnd )Jstlce 11.9weelheat 12;   15Wea~ Mlcf)oel Montgomery   Society 10; Sectetay 11.12; Academic lean
                                    Comrmrlty service; l>..d ErYolment 12; Peer   "I don't lhHc so .•   10.11.12; Reolond Chanplons 11; Ciroey ACE
                                         COllllelng 9; ErYictYn«lt 9.   OCT 12; S1udent COU'd 9; At! OW 11,12; V1CA   lean 11; BelaCilb 11,12; D-anaCilb 1W'/
       AmloHtnryond MlkeTOWI\Ofnd ohow-offthtlr
       c:1u1y clothlf18 durin& Homo<X>mlns.   Carl DeWI~on 1'-ler        Ja..- l'rlnce
                                             JcJ'\31,1976                 Sept. 9, 1976
                                     Y~~~~i'~·i'!. ~~om Pe~           Nt;flt b  follh h  My Heat
                                   Foolbdl9; Track 9,10,11; Bald ~~allons
              'What 's~. Hoss?'                                          Robert l'rlnce
        /fv"rly;x CU:l 9. 10. 11;  Pholgrqlhy Clb 9;   Otllc:er 11,12    "Peoce Mci<er'
          D-OQOnettes 9.10,11; Powder P\Jf.                               At..Q. e. 1975
                                           Solef!.W":.rgi'Oit          Ewrv/tlila  About You
                                                                         ·Noway  men·
                                             ~>o. 12. 19n              Perfect Attendence 11.
                                           M<Jk,..., • Pcnlera
                                           'I WOIYlO go home.·
      ITE,J..-) _       ____.             D-ana 9,10; OCT 11.12.
                                     "CCFl't, can't ewr occomplsh alj'lhlng.'  [@_) _  ____,
                                           Hey .A.ode·-8eolles
               Ken Lynn l'oppc»
               -~~rr                (l(J')d 9,10; D-ana 10.11; Comrnrity Serke
              'I promise' ·va. right'
       CreotM> Wrll~ 9; Debate lean TreCB.Jrer  10;   Mike Peny
        ~~c%, ~{~J8o'tr'~~1~                 ~~~11                       "r:z. ~.rm1
        CN!sficrl Allieles 12; Ocnce CU:l 10.11.12;   .Ant AnolhM ~ ·Too Shott   nm.hA8o111fJ
        -'dhg 12. Olorus 11.12. M.Jiicd Theatre 12.                     • I'm In a mood.·
                                        -~~~h~~~~-               COlllfy History Fci<·ht place In 9 ,2nd ploce In
              Sheri Nicole Poppe»                                10; Academic letter 9,10.11; COlllfy Science
                 'X·Solnl'                Nitolhlo Monlque l'eny   Fci<·1 st ploce In  10, Reolonci Science Fcir.Jrd
                A.Q.Js123. 1977               'Nkld'             plooeln 10; COlllfy Mdh Fd' 10,11; CHAOS 10;
               YeJierdoy- 8eolles            ..l.lle22. 1977       Nollond Honor society 1 0.11. 12;Atl,
        "There's dwa(s more to~ lhcrl...nof   "Agemls~~~~~~nora    Geometry, and Englosh AwadJ 10;
               lhe=lel ou see.                                   Homecoming ActiiiiHes 10.11 .12; Bela CkJb
        [)-oma 9; Peer C   9,1 2; Powder f\J1r 9;   mCI'1 perfected without trlch. •   11 . 12; leo Cllb 11.Tr80SU'er 12; S1udent
          llomecomingAc!M 'es9. 10.11.12:   Pre-collegial&  11; AP Ellop&CFl History 12;   COU'd 11; CHid Cae ond Economics AwadJ
         Photography CU:> 10. VIce Prelident 11.   HOSA 12; FillA 9.   11; Vollllleer Commurity Serke 12.
          President 12; Key CU:l 10; Debate 10;
        .Jourdsm 1 o. 11, 12; Set Prod.Jc11on of Plays   stephan'!~rla1Jn• l'ele11   John Ron ken
                11.12. SADO 12.                                           NcN. 23. 1976
                                             ..IJle 1flm
                Jo..-l'orl<er            Hotel.y~~~~~Qijes               T ravia Rouleroon
                Sept. 10. 1977                                             "Fuzz'
                                     Frenc:t.Ckb9.10.11; lnleroctCilb 11,12; FSU   Ap-. 5.1976
                 Jooon l'orl<o        Morine let:>  11; JOllncilsm 11. !Uiness   Crazy· AerOfllllh
              • Moe Gyver' 'Hoss'   Mcnoger 12; Jl/ Soflbcil  10; P- C011uelng   'look at !hoi.'
                 Oct.7.1977                    9,10.             Foolbal 9. 10; V1CA 10. 11. 12; Hortlc::Utlle 11. 12.
             Holfll Cdlfomlo-The EQ\jes
        Mac:hlna (l(J')d 9,10.11.1 2; ~ bald   lrell Eric l'elty)ohn    Hertha Marie Ravelo
        9,10.11.1"2. Concert bcrod 10.11.12; Jozzbcrod   Dec. 6. 19/6     • Herlh Berth.
          10.11.12. lbfalcrt 10.12. teaelay 11.   Ode h  the SC71d • Belndo Calisle   Oct. 2; 1976
                                              "l.h-hli'l'             &ole en He~ lMna Cololl
              lellnda Ienita l'amel       French Cllb 10.11.12          • r m  dwa(s rtghll'
                   ·ea·                                          D-ana 9; P- Counseling 9; Cheerleodng 9;
                 Moy25.1977                Kenl Brooke Phllllpe   Frenc:to  10.11;At!Cilb 10.11.12; Heroct 11;   CAn't you t•ll they're
         I'd Gille Allylhing to fol h  Love- Gerold   Jcn 16.1977   CHAOS 10; Frenc:to Cllb 10.11; leo Cllb 12;
                  Leffert               Leoftler end Lace ·StelAe Ncks   lnlernotlonci Cllb 12; PhotogrODhv Cllb 11 . 12;
                'Usten to mel...'   [)-omo 9; Peer COU'IMina I and II  10; Spc:rlsh   FSU Maine lcb 11; Sr Ad Sect\00 Editor  12;   NJntlf  IU; H8110 uory I I; wne<e HOVeiU me
           Olorus 9; HOSA 10; S1udent COU'd   CU:l 11; Spcnsh OWOid 1 0; Biology O'w'Oid  1 0;   Terns 12:Chorul12.   Lightening ElJcJ Gone? 12; H06V
             Represent aiM> 11; CBE  12.   Academic le'lers9.10.11.12; Homecoming             Ambassador 10;  F~sf. School . Tt-ird- Cistrlct.
                                                                                               Voice of DemOCfocy 11; Third School 12;
                                   ocll\lllles 9,10,11,12; Veabook stotf 11.SecHon   Dorrell Roy   Frenc:to Cltb 11; Spcnsh Cllb 10.11; AciMiies
                Chrlallno Porrilh                                         ~f9'jf
                'Prissy Chissy·     ~~o'.:~~J~~~:;, ~~~N!'es Most                             Cirector 12; Homecoming AcH\IIHes  11 .12;
                 Aprt 22. 1977       stotf 11.12; leo Cllb 12; Phot011c:J: ~   Pimps- MJG and 8 Bcil  Posse   Fnt-COU'I,..'t_~istory Fdr 9; Stole History Fdr
                Hollo..,._ Pent era                                      'WUzupcuz.'          9.10; 1995 ~ Bectrlc Youth TOll Conlest11;
               'Decent' 'Yummy'     11,12; Executive lnlem 12; Honors Classes 9.1 0.   Trcx:k  11. 12.   ~r~occ~~~:f~ffE'ilc;r
                                      11,12; AP Clouea 11;  FSU Maine let> 11.
          Dalce 10; OCT  11.12. Gymncallcs9.10;
             Acodemlc Merit A wad 9.        Joaon I'Ukenlon               Leater Reed        ~~~~~~~~~~~­
                                             Oct t  197h                 Mach 22. 1977
               l'enny Morle l'anllh                                                           GWs~~;~~~~~f ~·~ ~O;
                'SQ.MTel Head'
                 Nov. 14.1977                                                                   Amerk:an High School Stl..denn 11;
            r You've Got Love·Jot-n Micheci                                                   Academic letterl/,10.11.12; UF Hi.Q lean 12
                ·w~~~~,.                                                                             Mortt VIctor llloe
        FfA9.10,11.12;Studen!COU'd rep.10;0CT 12.                                                      "'
                                                                                                       Feb. 7. 1977
               Julie Morle Poroone                                                                MenlltOM>- Mellow Man Ace
                .,~~ic~.·                                                                      Spc:rlsh Ckb 10.11 .12; Acodemk: Team
                                                                                                 "Joclclno J.C.'s and I don't cae.'
        Jl/ Tlgerettes9;Va~ty TlQerettes 10.11; Dalce                                           9,10.11.12;At!Clb 12; BeloClb 12.
           CU:l10.11.M cth 11;leo CU:l11.
                 Joyeenl l'ol•l
                 ..IJle 6. 1977                                                                        Dec. 9.1976
                  SC71totlrri                                                                       He~~ ;!:'~~~~ey
         'I don't know.·  • Sssshll'm lei< Inc a lesll'
          [)-omo Clb 9; M.J At:lho Theta ~.10,11. 12;                                         Bela Cllb 12; Honor Socle7<  10.11.12: leo CU:l
         Acedemlc Honon 9,10.11.12; At! Clb 10,11;                                            11,~~~: ~~~~~ers
          CJSA 12; leo CU:l Sec. 11. Vlc&-Pres. 12;
         Photogrqlhv Cllb Sec. 10. Pres. 11; Frenc:to                                             lokleoha Sharrow Roberoon
          Cllb 10.11; hlernollond CU:l 12; Prom
          Commlt1ee 11; Nolionci Hono< Society                                                         'Kiesho'
                                                                                                      Ma. 23. 1977
        10,1 1.12; D-ana Set Crew 11,12; Beta Cllb 11.12;                                            Golla Lot of Booty
                         1           arlnl! hus before hudlns off to onolhor doy of   Rlchord Wile ond Mondy Osden tab •  Uttle   .Joc:bor1lllh (l(J')d 10; HOSA  12; ~HA/HERO 12;
        Comrmrity ~t'dCrOb1 \Key Clllb 10;   Andy Thornton ond Nola Hnrla ohoro • quick.
                                     ochoOl.                      tlmo to chot oftor ochool      Pre· Coleglole Cllb 12: Trock 9.
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