Page 500 - chs-1995
P. 500

Andy Bennett ond  IJ .. ther !Angoton ore
          April Stolen ond  Shonnon Lomlnock believe   Looka car;y, CoUin lAne.  Why Ia Dove's cor burled onywoy?   .. ompl .. of true friendship.
          thot  "proctlcz  mokeo  perfect".
                                            locreclo Denlle Kollbrew      Sora Kalherone Kudeo1
                 Rober! Mftcll Jonee            ·crecoa·                    ~~~~77
                  May 15. 1976                 /lu;)  3. 1977                                           ..ln 12.1977
            Bone Th.Jot end Hamony--6. 0 . N E   ~~ =~.1~fJ~~r"P!f'ect    Tac~f~~J'~?IIIes           Fa  Betlnd-Cmclebox
           FfA Awadt. ~.10,11 : AIWnc* In It*: OCT                                                        "So?"
                    10.11.12          Allendmce Awad 10.11: PhV1icci Ed.Jcollon   Ffe~en Chee<leoder q; Jlrlor Vc:nlty   Chee<leoder 9; N  chee<leoder 10: Vor,.
                                       Awad In Terns 10: Nollond Honor 5oclety   Cheeleoder 11 . 12; .llrolar Vanity Soflbol 9. 1 0;   chee<leoder  11 ,12: Homecoming octMHes
               bhonda Walleee Jan•     11 , 12: ()c:)'lce Cllb 11.12: D..d ErTolment 12:   FHA 9; Jourdirn 9,1 1.12: ErTollmenl in Honan   9,10. 11 .12. Powderpuff9,10.11.1?; Honan
                   "LJ' Bit"  "G"     Executive lnterrosnp  12: Phologu:~hy Club 12.   coo..nes. ()c:)'lce Club 10.11 .1 2; Homecomong   cOU'Ses 9.10.11 .12. AI> American Hslary 11 ;
                   Feb. 11,1977                                      Aclt...tlies 9,10,11.12. hlerocll2; Cr1mnd   Student Council Rep. 9; Jound1sm 11 . secHon
                   Oeep-TtC                   -k;'i~<!~~q           Justice 11 .12. D..d Er~ollment. Powder puff
                "You wrong for dol"                                      Foolbdl. Yeabool< Stoff.   edtar 12. Newspoper stoffwnle< 11.12. ()cnce
                                                                                               dlb 10.11.12; hle<ocl 12: D..d errollment12;
          Chon-a 9, Academic Hanan Awad 9,10; FEA   Sep. 10. 1976                                  P- cou-oselong 9; C-5CAT  11.
                 11: CBE  12. Bale! 10      Get LP on lf-.f<ellh ~eat
                                       "Po~a· • ~· "What eve<"  ·nos like
                Daniel Do-Shay Jan•            redly cool'                                            Tamara Janlne lee
                    "Shay"             Student COllldl Reptesenlollve 10,11,12:
                   ~21.1975               Cheer1eoder 1 0.11. 12: FBIA 12.                               Moy31977
             I Never Seen a Mal Cty~O'foce                                                         I DOS Plio Love- Oysld Waters
                                                                                                       "You cin'l right."
           "There Is nolhhg to tea but tea ltte~·   Marianne Kirby                                    Bc:nd9.10.11: OCT  12.
                 Foolbcl 9; OCT  12.           Sept  2. 1977
                                            I'm Sl/ohtty Mod - Queen
                 Trlno Kuana Jan•     "A d'eom l111rogmenled by the marring ~ghl                        R~rii~i7g
                   .;f~;               colid blow IHs ~ ~:..~ough the rool ol   Rober! Lamt>enon
          Here ComeJ the Brcnd New Flovo In Ycxx Eat   Academic Ieite< 9,10: Debate 10.11: D..d   "Lembo"   Donlellewil
           ·Walch out 'OAth !hall You 1cnc:>w belle< I'   Err oilmen! 11. 12: Executive hi emship 12:   .kn 21 . 1977
                                                                                                        Oct. 20.1976
         Chon-a 9;Trodi9.FBIA 9.Bdlet10,11.Jr 8k110,11;   OeottwWrilhg 12:Vollrolee<Worlc 9.10,11,12.   N.Jttn llJt A  'G. 1halQ- Doc Ore   1 Never C>eomed You'd Leove61ellie
                 OCT-tr-..rer 12.      Young Repubhcor-os  11.12: AP Classes  10,11:   "You  better ask JOmebody"
                                           CHAOS 11; Ouch 9,10,11 .12:   Bend 9,10; CHS Tlge< Foolbol Team 11 .12: C)SA   Wende<
                                                                         11.12: Sgt . .<JI-Mns 12.   "You ore no excepHon to the .Ue .mlil you
                                              SUian Louioe Ue                                           hove broken II.
                                                  "Q"                      Aquilla lamar          Foolbdl 9.10: Bmketbdl 9.10: Bosebdl
                                                                            flop, 24. 1977      9 1 0 11. 12: Cr1mlnd Justice Stu::lenl Atsoc.
                                                                                                1:2:1993 AA(bosebdl) stole cttomplonsHp
                                                                                               team FAA. N  boseboll: A. N< Acodemy9,10.
                                                                                                        Yolanda lewll
                                                                                                        Mc7ch4. 1976
                   Malt !tarlton
                    "l.{)og  •
                   Nov. 16.1~77                                                                      ttayan'!~~k~~a Lewll
              fverlotlfng Low- TonyTeny                                                                  5ep .. h1977
          B ·~e l'iQ ~lbdl~i~ ~~t"'~                                                                  P och9/b91' J C OflOf'lln D
                    Cllb12.                                                                     ~vr.s~~~~~. ~
                 Loren Renee Ka .. .,                                                           to  Ike you. they'! like you far IM'Io you
                  "Rei" "P\riln'"                                                                ~~~C:C"'6't~J. ~~~9~io.11:
                   Moy24. 1977
             I SWea....Jo/"n Michael Manlgomeoy                                                   Concert Bend 9,10.11: CECF  12;Trock  10:
          "Sleep? Tlme? What ore they? I'm seorcHng                                                     Yearbook 9,10.
           ~~er:;:m.~:~~CU>                                                                              Misty Liebel
           10,11.12:  Spcri~ Cllb Hsloricrl 11: Aarldo                                                   Feb. 2.  1977
            Spcri~ Confe<ence 11.12: Debate Cllb   The Tlgerett,.. gother together ofter proctke to show their poorly  whit,...   Toof!le Rol
           ~eetheort 10: Debate CU> Seaelory 10:                                                     ~·:JTr~g:;2.
           National Honor 5oclety 10. 11 . 12: Bela CU>
           10.11.12. Homecoming Slcltt  11.12; Science
          I'd's 10,11;Molhl'd's 10.11;HsloryFdn 10,11;   Moy3, 1977      Healh~'Jt~]pflllon            Lola~~~~ Uord
          Mu Abho Theta 11: JETS TEAMS Campen nan   Low In Any ~~!f-&nd Potn
           11: Cteottw Wr1tinQ 9; Joundlsm 9; Morine                         Top-Uve                     ~. 9.1976
           Biology let> 9; Nofiond Merit Commended   Softbdl 9; Most VducDie Plover 9; Sofii:>P11 0:   "Normdltv denotes nme f<- chcJ')ge"   Fooling AJcxrd- Chmglng Faces
           Sd'lolor 11; Who's Who Among Americm   Volleybdl9; Bela Cllb 11.12: ~A 12: SAOO  12:   Ffelhm<:rl ch-leoder 9;N  chee<leoder   "An~·~~~ever·
          Hgh School students 11:  Eottv Mnls!lons 12:   Chon-a 10. 11 ,12. Vocd Ensemble 11.12,   10;Noliond Honon 5oclety
          D.Jd ErTolmenl 12: AP Engnsh lmQJ0119 end   Errict'menl 9; Academic Leite< 9. 10. 11; FHA 9;   9,10,11.12.Acodemlc Leite< recipient
           Composition 11: AP Americm Goverrmenl   Ule<ory Frsl n District 9; THrd In Stole 9;   10,11 ;Colunblm yearbook  Co-k!itar 12.   Trovll Mlcheallodge
                                                                                                         ).J  23.1977
            11: Leo Cllb 12. Elected far girl's stole 11.   ~·:~~~~:~: Ptesi~~~SC'~a   Serio< Secnan Edt or  12.   Hot91 Cdlfarrlo-Eogles
                  Nicole Elloe Keith       .  . D..d Errolmen'i1'I Jourdism 12:   Collin Thomao Lane   "/'Jways do a Nllle mare lhm IOklol's
                     "Nkl'              Yeaboolc stotr~ri~{r· commlTitv     ~;6                        &J<p9Cied ol you .•
                   Apt 19.1977
             ~us~%L~~~~~~                      John Kllndlwoo1h     FHA 9,10.11.12: Nollond ~· FHA 9,11: stole   Adrealn Lofton
                                                                          Pfd:~·s gr;::;. Olff1e
                                                                                                         .AJ.( :ll, 1975
                                                 • .Jotrrr,~ z·
                   lee Kennedy                   .len 11.1977       ~~~~;m.10.1~r~Fd.AJ~                 Mike logon
                     "lee"                    G«lerotfont OverlU'e                                        ;;~w~;
                   Feb. 19, 1977        "THs ct>ove (jl-lo thine own self be true.·  -  c= Jg:~~~o;I~~~ ~~~ 1 ~12:
               CtyJtd SltnHp- The  Doors          Hamlet                                                 NolePoWfK
                  "Whefe's It at"       Bend 9.10.11: Chon-a 11 : Bble SludvCU> 11.   Americm legion Boys' stole 11: 1 ol12 Semi
              50 Hou of Commtlli~ce:     UCI/C~:~~~~~tto;'6.~         Rndisls In Rorldo U.S. Senate Swedsh   Foolbdl9; ~~2~~ ~~~r. ~ 9,10.1
            Foolbdl. s~~~~e~~cydes.                                 c~~'HtJ.e1~~T'~~:fo~1~~~~~~.12:   CJSA 11 .12: hlerocl 12: Student Coo.rdl
                                              l'ame~~:;.,~~nlghl    AI-Ame<lcon Scholar 9, Who's Who Among   Shannon Dione lomlnock
                                                                       Ame<lcon High School Students.
                   l~~9~~9t!                    Dec.  13.  1976                                          -~~n··
                fade Into Yov-Maly Storr   Not o Moment too Soon-T1m  McGraw   Darrllar1on             Fa BeHndCmd1ebox
          ·r you try, try, md toy ogdn at the oorne tting                    Mc7  16. 1976              "Cry  me a rive<.·
               Crd It don't work, "-' Q.Jt."   Ff~~:.rdYtrocT 12           Old School-Clear     Bend 9: Sec non leader 10.11.12: Drama
                                                                           "What's Up Dog'       Peer c<llTtleling 9; French ckb 10.11; FHA
                                                 Thor Koln•          Bo!kelbdl9; CECF Cllb 11: OCT  10,11.12   leo Cllb 1 ~~~~f~~~cU>
                                                   "TK"                                                           2
                                                 Sept. 9,  1976             DarrellaureHe
                                           I'm Going Far Mine -Keith Sweat   ).J  22.1977
                                        "You em lead a horse to wale<, but you em'!   Drink Before the War- Sineod O'Corne<
                                               make Hm d'Hc."          "1'1 be you: boss somedov pUnic!"
                                          JI/Socce< 9; Vor. Socce< 10.11; Vor.   .Jounolrn 11.12, JireT~ey9,10.11,12
                                         Boskelbdl12; Vor. Terris; FHA
                                       ~~: ~~\6~~1~~~c~~~\~r~~~cri         Drew Edward law Ill
                                       Honor Sodety 10,11.12: hle<ocl 12; Joundism   Country Slota of Mnd
                                        11. !PQrls Secllon Edlar 12: DAM 9,10.11 .12:   "Ahyect'll'
                                        ~~:~~e~:~.lo.~\T~~~·        Foolbol 10.11,12.FFA 9,10, 11 ,12.Eogle Scout.
                                        Homecoming octMHes 9,10,11.12: Spor-lsn   Charonda Necole lee
                                         CU> 10; D..d Errollment 12; Root design   "Rondo"
                                           9,10,11 .12. Young Democrats 12   .len 10.1977
                                                                      If You THr« You Lonely- K.C. of Jaded
                                                Michael Koon        "If you don~~%'~ believe ln.
                                               I •hi Beleve In You           Pepcllb 9.
                                           "Second place Is the first loosef"   Deotlnrl-
           ~ ond Keri Hootetloer ott  pnrlty In the   Foolbdi9,1Cl            ·lltne I'll"
   495   496   497   498   499   500   501   502   503   504   505