Page 501 - chs-1995
P. 501
Why a"'n'l you singing wtth everyone el .. , Senior offtcen ltoten Intensely to the speaker during the ftnot c1 ......... rrbly. Hertha Ravelo •nd IUI"'n Smtih are ready to
Omar Vega?
mnquer the world together on the ftnt doy of
J~~~~~~~~~~g·J~~s NlckllaAnn Moore tchool.
"Nick •
9,10,11.12; COUlly Science Fa 10,11; COUlly ..u. :xl.l977
QS~.--) -- Moth Fair 11: Acodemk: A wad end letter N cheer1eodng 9,10; Phologrqlhy cllb
"O-Kay whatever·
9,10.11,12; Prom Committee II; ()omo
ProdJcflons Set Crew 10, 11 .12; Commll'lty
Service 12; N1 Amerioal Schola Awad 10,11; 11.12; Ffenchdb9.10; Jounolsm 10.11 ,12
~~=ono~~n~~~~~~~J~~ Tanya Moore
Todd MacDonald Ap. 17,1977
• PQ:>er Box Barlt" Set Clew ~0.11.12; Executive Internship 12 Tok9 My Breoltl AloO)'
~ 14, 1977 "Don"! tempt temptation.·
"You better Olk somebodv" Aubrey Medorlea Nollood Honor Society 10.11,12; Keycllb 10; Slepll.~ ~.ce NoM
Foobd9,10;V1CA 10,11,12. Dec. 18. 1975 Photogrqlhydb 12; Honors 9,10.11 .12; AP J.n 28,1977
Oostesll ; ·IAJd ErYonment 12; Honor Roll Don't Toke the Gil-Tim McGraw
Wendy Jean Manak• Devonah Mehta; Perfect otlendcn::e 9,10.11 ,12;
Oct. 14. 1976 'Dove" "Dovee!ll" Academic letter 10.11 ,12; COUlly Science fok ll<Td9.10.;rJ2~~~~m.-11.12-dun
Enden Lol'll- NaY. 26. 1976 major I2;Crtmlnot Jusflce student ouodatlon
l.ul'- Vcnctoss end Mcrlct1 Caey ·r you don't hove anything 'good· to tay. CPabrlel Eort Mortier 10.11 .12-treauer 12;Mock lrtd teem
"Bile me" don't say anything at dl. But don't Ignore "G<be" 1
Colunbla COllllv ~;ff Explor911 Ueut them becwse thai might hut their feelings. ..u. 20,1977 ~~c~rr/?..1 g-~~
9,!0.11.12 Just say, 'H I I'm a friend!'" The Dalce-Gorth ~ooks among high school studenn
Sooh. Clau Sec. 10: Jr. Closs Sec. 11: Notiond "n's not outer opper(J')Ce thai counts. but the I 0.11 ;0-Jtslondng child cae assistance
Thoma~ Martin Honor::iOdety IU.II.Il;IJAM IU,II,Il; <.:J:;A OWCI'd IO.II;Ounlondng effor! n am nat
~fl.~5 11.12; Perfect Altendence 9,11; State Science Ctossfie Bibl~ m%01t diNiecrn 12; )Jstlce 11 ;October student ot the month 12.
Folr Anollst II; Nottond History Fa 11; IAJd
ColorgUCI'd 12; Comn'1llllly senAce I 0. 11 ,12.
Pimp LP '!!,.d.~~- M.C. ENoltment 12; AP American Gove!rment II; Trovla Nooh
Root Oellgn 9. 10.11.12; Academic letter WIIIMoaeley
10.11 .12; Mu Npho Theta 12; Acodemk: Tecrn "Shoogy· Dec. 2. 1976
Komi Morallol 10.12; FHA 12; Homecomlno AciMIIes Dec. 22. 1976 AI Neilan
"K" 9,10,11.12; lnlemoliond Ckb 12; Key Ckb 10; 86/dng Overcoming Tumol Dec. 4. 1976
Feb. 11 . 1977 Beta Ckb 10. II . 12; HRS Chrtstmos PCI'Iy ·ososterl"
10.11 .12; Student Goverrment Ooy 10.11 .12; w~·l&l U~ ~stt9':Yo~?iW~.
"Yo.J mus~g~~-~!-:=~ well.· Gllled 9; leodenhlp 10.11 .12; Oscptlnory ~ ~:l8:n:~~}~:::;~cr;r~~~
Committee 11 : Socr11~C~_9. 1.0;_~ _ Fdr 10.11; SIQ!ejil~ay~~-10..~..11.;, Collgote 11.
Shoyno·=·McCrory ScottS. Norman
Sep. 23. 1977 Feb. 3. 1977
Anytting by Gerth ~ooks Freeb/rd--{yrad 9cyrad
"Feelino a little spedd" "Everything t-Qloens for a reason·
French Ckb 11; CllE 12; Photogrqlhy Ckb 11. ROTC 9,10; OCT 11_. 1~ ~l<?gqlhyCiub 12.
Corey J. McCray
.l..n 20. 1977
Eorffl /vlt;}e/ ~~-----) _
"Who"s pllchl ln7" __.
Bosebdl9,10.11.12; Cr~Jusflce Ckb 12;M
c~1~~~~1.f:£1J~ =':'"'lng Amondo~en
Aahley lone McDullle ~77
"Puddes· Hotel Cdiforrio - E~
Sep. 18. 1977
CheeMK>uger In Paodi•-Jimmy Buffet ~~i'~~~~~~es~~~~
"Exactly" Honor Society 10.11.12; Beta Ckb 10.11.12;
TernsTecrn9,10; leoCkb 11 .12; French Club 11. 12; Regional Science Folr (lsi
Photography Club 11 ,12; Dcnce Cllb 10,11; place) 10; Ror!do Sencrte POQe 11; Ye<J'book
Secflon Edlor II; Acodemlc Team II;
~~1~;~~~:\~~r~; 12; Homecoming oclilltflea9.10.11 .12
Mlchel~~~~cDullle Studes Cllb 11; stc:ite leadership Conference 9,10.11 .12; Mu ~Theta 10.11; A Honci- Roll Wlllom Anlho~O'N eol
10,11; Interact 12;MQb9,12;CHAOS 10; 9,10.11.12; Sdence Fair Co.Jnty II; French Ckb "Big Nos •
Dec. 31, 1976 Meda ProdJct1on 11 ,12. 12; Sodd Studes Pres. 11; Cenl!lfuoe Como May~. I 77
OeJP&fock>·-Eagles IU, II,I:.I; Acedemlc lecrn IU; J~IS lecrn II; Somebody Nwcys Points ltle Waf- Tracy
"Wdi ... Hli"l7" l'roohoniT. Mehta lOWf&nee
Cheerteoder 9; N Cheerteoder 10; Va. Ap.21. 1978 C'-nolhon II; Moth Fa Po-llqxrlt I 0,11.12; "ls thai ri<;TII?.
Notiond Mertt Commended Sc:tloiCI' 12;
Cheerteoder 11,12; YeCI'book Stoff 9,11; Footbdl; Sports. JV Footbol 10; V1CA 11.
Section Edlor 12; DJd Enrollment 12; CJSA Erri<:tTn«""t 9.
11.12; Dcnce Ckb 10.11.12; Powder Puff Kevin l!oy Mendham Erin Elizabeth MOMe Lora DeniM Outlaw
9,10,11 .12;hleroc:l 12;FHA9. Sep. 23.1977 "Sassy" ·~ede"
EnlfK So-lctna-H.1etdllco .A.J.(27. 1977 Ma.24. 1977
Keneaho lotwonlo Mc(;ulre 'NoFeall" I G/1'11 AI My Love to You· Keith Sweat "Whoo7 HlJ-17"
"Kesho" Foolbdl9,10.11; Bosketboi9.10;Trock 9,10; Student Councl I 0. Clau Vlce-fllesident 11 .12;
NaY. 13. 1976 9w4rrmlng 9. I 0. II. c~~"lb~~~~:;o,ll; N Volleyt:d 9; Va. Voleybdll0.11 . Best AJ-
Gel tp~!/el~~ !Mieol CHAOS Sec. 11; Interact 10,11; Socld Sludes Ar~~-~\"i.W:a!J~~~~~!r
Allaho Menendez
CECF'f2. May 10,1977 Ckb I V2'?"~:;~~~~~~9i at arms Pilcher 11; MVP 11; PowderFVf 9,10.11,12;
Noliond Honor Society 11 .12; Beta Ckb 11 ,12;
Kimberly McKenney Barbaro MetcoW HomeoomlngActllilfles9. 10. 11 . 12; MuA\:>ha Theta 11, Vice President 12; Interact
"ltSHA' Sept. 19. 1975 IO, !Mieelhealll. VIce President 12; Crlmlnd
ALQ.8. 1977 Justin Mo.. JusHce Student Assodolion 12; CHAOS Officer
You"r9 the tupiroNon- Chicago l!lchordMIIM ~~~~;6 at lage 12; leo Cllb 11.12; AP Amertcon
·n·s In the eyes II' 'I'm not madill' 'lllchle' History 11; IAJd Ervonment 12. Homecoming
Pee< Coli1SIIing 9.12; Key Cllb Closs Feb. 20,1977 ~II- Oe110 ActMttes; Aoodemlc letter
Reoresentattve 10; Mu Npho Thole Club 10.11; "Dor,.t be a ~mrodl" "Yo.J con'! hove you coke; Girt's state Nominee II; Perfect
beco.Jte rl toke tt:
!'leta Cllb 10.11 ,12; Nollond Honor Society "CHS l:x:r>d. the best ploy here I· Soccer 9 .I 0,11.12;Cha11e Husfle OWCI'd Attendance 12 yecrs; Who· s Who Among
10,11; !Mieelhecrll2; Debate 10; SAOO 12; Machng txn::l 9. 1 0.11 .12; Concert bend American High School Athletes II.
lnterncrtiond Cllb 12; Phologrqlhy Cllb II 9,11.12; Symphorlc txn::ll0.11.12; 6th place 11.12Terns; cw.t 9.10.11 .12; Soccer
9 10
~= Hi ' ~~~~~~~~1.12; mouse trap ca race II; Bend Nbrorton Q,IO.II; TlnoOwena
Ba-d operations officer 12: Beta ckb 12;
nAflF Rolf' ::r'odet 9.12: IAJd EN_pllment 12; Sl.perior tololsl 9; Academic letter 10. II. 12; Dellfelo Moeley ~m~76
Eagle Scout 12; FSU mortne lob 9; R&Qiond Ap.5.1976 &eoltleAgdn
science fdr 10.11; 3td place biochemistry Mc7ly Ril'lltJ to Cto~ Olelo Adana
dvt!lon In Jdence fdr. "Newr put on ttl =.for what yo.J con
Ezra Mile r JTPA po-ogrom at lCCC;FHA;Engnsh II
Apl5, 1977 OWCI'd;Chorus (Commurity)
Jo hnny MHcheD
Dec. 2.1976 J~cro~~te
Ap. :xl,l977
Michael Moody
Dec. :x>. 1976 A CO!Illr{ ,!:I.e;~ &.r.;ve
Footbo19,10.11, 12; \Mestlr-Q 10.11.12
Janelle Denlae Mixon
Sept. 13. 1977 Mlch!}~ ~urrey
CtyNo Mor9
"I do noll" May 14. r974
French Ckb; ()CI'TlQ Club 9; nteract The Dalce -Garth ~ookl
CUb 10,11 ,12; Homecomlno Co.Jr112; "h your ctecrns."
Matt Vann get• a little help from the Homecoming ociMtles 9 ,I 0.11. r2: Joundlrn :so~~~c~~hl(}l~~
photogro pher In order to look good for hts 10.11.12; Honor Rol; Student COl.nCII 10.12 Why does It ...,m that Wade WIUio to alwayo
S.nlor portrait.. loves being a Senor 1 gettlng Into aome klnd of trouble?l