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We have finally finished the  best yearbook in Florida.  After all  the long,  hard , stressed filled  days  I can  honest!  y say it  was
             worth it when I look at this masterpiece!  I would like to thank all my Editors for all the hard work you have done.  Stephanie Peters,
             Business, Jssica Furst and lleather Langston, SR.  Section;  Theresa Foss and Hertha Ravelo, SR.  ads;  Summer Sapp, SR.  index;
             Laura McClellan and Laura Collins, JR. section;  Sara Carter, Maria Zelaya, Stephanie  Willis, Melissa McCarriages, and Tiffany
             Torans, SOPH.  section;  Julie  and Melissa Sadler and Sara Kelly, FRESH. section;  Catherine Reynolds, Clubs;  Thor Kolnes and
              ikki  Christensen,  Sports;  Keni  Philips,  Jasmine  Be/lotte, and Christie  Brownlee, Features;  Sara  Kuitert  and Shelly  McDuffie,
             Student Life;  Vicki Sparks and Destiny Lee,  Faculty and Academics.  I would like to especially thank Stephanie Peters for all your
             hard work. I don't how know you handled it,  but you did a great job. Jessica Furst and Heather Langston,  the senior section is the
             best I have ever seen. One day, we can all sit back and remember all the luches we missed, all the fights over stupid stuff, and most
             of all  how this book broke us , but built us to be better people. Or we could remember when World War III  about broke out in my
             living room  when we  were  trying to  meet  a  deadline!  Don't ever forget  the  Journalism  salute!  Just  think we  never  have  to  hunt
             another grease penicil, cropper,  ruler or sciccors again!  Jessica Furst and Mandy Ogden,  thanks for  taking over the Faculty and
             Academics at the last minute.  Theresa Foss, thanks for  all you  hard work to get the SR,ads together.  Abby Morse, Punita Patel,
             Jenalyn Swisher, Jeff (Smiley) Armstead, Nikki Moore, and Kristi Jackson, thanks for all you extra work without complaints.  Good
             luck next year Sara Kelly and Punita Patel.  You have your work cut out for you.  Remember when it gets hectic, it is all worth it in
             the end!  Last, but dcfinatlcy not least, thank you to Mrs.  Colvin Carter, the best teacher I could ever ask for.  You taught me a..lot. (I
             spelled it right!) about life and you were there for  me when every else was not.  Thanks for always sticking up for  me. I will  never
             forget you or how you have touched my life. Thank you for all your  hard work on the Columbian.  You stayed up late and put in a
             lot of weekends also, not just us.  Thank you so much and I love you! Karen Smith, Editor-in-Chief

        J                       Although  we've  hall  a  tunc  ~1llmg  Uus   The  year has  come  to an end, and
                                monument  together,  not  only  has  11
                                                             there  are  some  very  special
                                strengthened our minds,  but  honllcll  us  m a
                                                             people that are deserving  of some
                                wny  that only  true fnends  can  understand
        0      Q                To  Karen  Sm1th.  you  made  me  hang  on,   thanks  for  making  my  last  year   Well.  I  am  glod  thot  we
                                                                                            hove  finolly  finighed  thi3
                                                             here at Columbia a li111e,  no  a  lot,
                                even  when  the  going  got  tough.  You've
        ll     ll               made  a  bcller  cll1lor  than  I  could  have   less  stressful.  To  K.aren  Smith,   yeor'3  yeorbook .   Nicki,
                                                             thank you  for all the  help you gave
                                unagmcll. I' ve enJoyed hcing  the co-ed1tor,
                                                                                            thonk3 for  helping me oull  I
                                                             me  with  the  yearbook,  and thank
                                bull could never compare  to  the  work  you
        I\     e                put  mlo  making  it  the  best  for  all  of  us.   you  for putting up with  all  of the   wouldn't  be  3one  todoy  if
                                Jessica  Fun;l,  this  hook  IS  all  the  proof  we
                                                             hardships  that  I  presented  you
                                need lo know that hcsl friends stick together
                                                                                            you  hodn't  gone  to  moke
                                                             with  and  Involved  you  in.
                                through thick and thin.  The Senior section,
               e                our pride and  jny,  rcneets  how  important   Stephanie,  you've  done  such  a   copie3,  drown  o  loyout,  or
                                                            wonderful  job  on  all  that  you've
                                we All  arc lo each other, and whAt  this  year
        a      n                cxpcr11ce our pages  would  have  been  JUSt   done . Even  though  you  had  some   to  ond you  3o  willingly  did
                                                                                            typed the copy I osked  you
                                has  meant.  Without  your  experience  and
                                                            rough  1/mes  (along  with  the  rest
                                more pages n1ppccJ  throughout  history. Our
        L      s                husmc.~s editor, Stephame I ctcrs, you  never   of us) you  kept  your  head up and   everything  you  could  to
                                                            got  the  job done . To  Mrs. Carter,
                                failed  us  in  your  ablltty  to  make  th1
                                                            you're  the  best. You 've  helped me
                                                                                                   Karen,  thonks  for
                                yearbook Jl<li'Sihlc. Just a~ you d1d  la.•l  year,
                                you  hcl pcd ueal  w1th  the  many  husmc  scs
        I                       and studcnls.  wh<l.~e suppo11  und  fund.•  pay   learn so much, and brightened my   finding  the  misspelled
                                                            outlook on life a whole  bunch. I  am
                                for what we create  Finally,  to  Mrs.
                                                                                            "florido"  olong  with  mony
       s                        Carter-- my  teacher, advisor,  mother.  and   more than thankful that you  gave   other mistoke3 I mode.  I om
                                                            me  the chance to  make  you  proud.
                                gu1uc,  none  of  us  woulu  be  here  w1lhoul
                                                            Last,  but  far  from  the  least ,
                                you  Through  all  the  gripe  sc.•sion~  and
       1'1                      bouL• with my "bad altitude," you've  really   Heather  Langston,  there  are  not   glod   we  never  reolly
                                                                                            crossed poth3 ond ended up
                                                            enough words to even explain how
                                made  a  t.hffercnce  in  the  way  I  look  at
                                things.  ll takes  a  pecial  kind  of per on to
                                be able to deal with kill~ like us.  I  get  clulls   appreciative  I  am  for  all  that   holing  eoch  other.   Algo,
                                                            you've  done  for  me.  Not  only  did
                                m knowing that we aro finully  on  our wuy.   you  help  me  with  the  yearbook,   thonk you  to  Julie,  Ke/11,
                                but sad to thmk that  l  will  never partiCipate
                                m something a  wunucrful as what we have   but you  made  my  senior  year  all   ond everyone who gold ods.
                                crc.atecl here through these pages. You guys   that  if  could  possibly  be.  I  love
                                mean the world lome, and nothing can  take   each and every one of you  so much   Thonks,
                                the  place  of  what  we  went  through  here   and  I  thank  you  with  all  of  my
                                together  C-ya  girls-- It's  been  real,  and   heart.     !Jtephanle  Peter1
                                well  wonh 1ll              Jessica  furst-Senior  Section   1994-1995
       502                            I leather Langsl<m,   Editor
                                    Columbian co-editor                                     Bu3inegs Monogcr
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