Page 503 - chs-1995
P. 503
Kriltlon Kat• Roberteon Jaoon Riley Saint
"Kt1s" "Aldx:rno"
Feb. 7. 1976 />p. 7, 1977 I Stil HoYen't Focq.: :x" I'm. Lookhg For · lJ2
Krxx:JcilQ on Heaven·, Do01· Gu'lt n' Roses The Dcnce · Garth Brooks
"Cool like thatll" Soccet' 9; Drcrno Otb ~ Acodemlc lean
Wresting 9; OCT 10. 11 ,12: student COU'd 11; -~~~~~Dtflr~.~1<1i' .. ~~!Jvot1~~~~~o-~~
Also practices Falconry end rides drt bikes JockiOn\lllle stole Honor BcTd 9,1 0,1 1;
very often; loves~~ but hadly evet' ldlls Ald>ano All-stole Cho~ 11; AI ..Stole Bend Alpha Theta 10.11.12; Spcnsh Cllb Treosuet'
9,10: Maroa~ COlrlv Al<:oo..nty Choir 11, AJI- 10.11 . Secretory 12: Bovs'stote 11; Student
Col-"'y Bend 11; Noilond Honor Sodety 11,12: Ccxn:l 11; JETS T ean 1 1,1 2; Debate Cllb Sec.
Cryatol Roblneon Notlond Honor Rol10,11 ,12; Who's 'Mlo 11; Beta Cllb 11. Pres. 12; Te«~-oge
·ctvts· Among Amerlccn High School Students 10; Replbllca-. 11.12.
ALQ. 18. 1976 Spcnllh Cllb 11: Science Otb 11: Show Choir
Rlaht Here Wei ling- Ric had Max 11,12; Adopt en Angel, latch-Key Kid Lanlo lrrn st,rnmona
"Ciuz-N-Hong loose" "Tow Tweet• C>.Jtwotc:h; Dnrn Major 11: AP Classes; Drcrno
~TC 9.10,11.1 2: ColorGuad9,10,11,12; Drl Otb 11,12; HomecomlngActtviHes 9,10.11,12; Ma. l9.1977
lean 9,10,11,12: hdvld.Jdist 9,10,11 .12: Chorus Tutoring 10.11; Sunmet' Reodng Progran 9,10. "You hove o life to Ave so hove fll'l/live It to
12: Ma1d Arl1. the tutest•
Eric Samuela Chorus 9,10, entemble 11,12; FFA 12.
Sondrenlo Roblneon Auc. 13, 1976
Mcrch25. 1977 fee/Yo JI.Wfln lH Slaymaker
"Be Ycllnelf" ~;7
Shona Rou
Feb. 15, 1977 Klmber)-Jm ~dog• Hotel Cc:Jiforrio · Eagles
"You bettet' beleve It"
Cene Rouln Mev 10, 1977 Ffenc:h0tb9,10.5grt-ol-oms11.12: MAO 11;
"Money" "GfNO" Q1 Bended .IO'lee--Boyz I Men CJSA 11. heatttTob 12: Welgtttthg 11.12.
Feb. 7, 1975 "I ccn do dl :Jr! hough Christ who
Gett.p Qlff Deatr-smlth
"Wcrrt some get some bod enough Idee A~ Honor n:~~.11,'J;~~ Protle 9; "Des"
tome. At::n-AOCI'l" CHAOS 11; CBE 12; "Ffesh Fire" Drane lean Ma. 8, 1977
ROTC 9,10,11.12: Footbal9,10. 10,11.12: Geometry Awad 10; Caldy Coated Roind'ops
Algebra Awad 9,11. ·vou trled me:
To!¥~yol Awads 9; Science Awad 9.
Michelle Sandi
.lisle 17. 1977 ..ti 16,1977 Elllobeth Smith
Mav29. 1977
A.~._ Su~ t.r~\~~ Sopp Before I Lef Go-llock street
TolceA Bow "If you don't beieve In youself. no one wtl. • Jooh Hallberg shows hlo excHement In being a
"What's mea"ll to be, wll bel" Student COll'ldl 9,1 0; Track 1 0; A-Honor Roll; Senior throughout the Gym.
~~~~o~~w;~,s:;~~~2: Perfect Attendance; Cltlzen!Hp A wad; FHA;
Pep Club; lace City Commlrlty Choir; JROTC
Pres. 10; Jounohm 10, stot!Writet' 11 , Dr~ Teem 9,10.11,12 Down on the Fam-Tim McGraw
Yecrbook Section Edt or 12: Miss CHS 11; Girls' "My cow ded, I don't need~ bUll"
Stole Senator 11; CHAOS 10, Sec.12; CJSA Jamee (Srad)tord Smlth Soflboll9,10; Student Ccxn:l . 10,11;
Sec.12: leo Cllb 12; History Fdr Comly and ·~Uv·a· · Volleyball ScorekeePGf 10,1 ,12;
stole 10,11, Notionc:i 11; SAC Committee 10; .Jlne 6. 1977 Homecoming Skit 9: Homecoming field da(
Student Go119rrmenl Day 10,11; C·SCAT End ot the Rocxi • Boyz II Men 11.12: Bible Otb President 11.12: leo Cllb 12:
Committee 11; DARE Role Model9.1 0.1 1.12. htet'oct 12: FFA 9, 10, 11; leodent,P 12; Drcrno Cllb 12: Fettowrip of OYisHcn Aft-fete
Spedcer 11,1 2; Comrmrlty Ser\Ace 9.1 0.11.12: Jounc:iiwn 12; Student COll'ldl ReP<esentottve ~y~~ok9~r:l'~'e i~~ir~
Homecoming ActMtles 9, 10.11 .1 2: Drane 10, 11; Powdet' P\Af Cheerleader 9, 12; member
Cllb 9: Enlchment 9; J.V. Sotlbdl 9; Spring of the best doss to go ltYough CHSI OCI'ld Oreomet's 9; Ffenc:h Otb 1 0; School
Dcnce Committee 9; Prom Committee fl; Mascot 11,12; ~ed Placement
Otlzenshlp Awad 10; Prhclpd's Awad 10; AP Jennifer Suoan Smith Amet'k:a1 History 11: Mac:Hng Bend 11:
Amet'k:cn History 11; AP Amoocm :Q1"~~"6: Concert Bend 11; Biggs Flllet'c:i Home Prom
Govet'nment 11; Sodc:i studes Oo.b Sec. 11; Essay Contest 11; Hopefu Bq>Hst Youth end
Ouc:i ErYollment 12; En oiled In Honors Classes h.Q. 9,1977
9,10,11.12: Executive lnterrl!hlp 12; Who's'Mlo I 0011~J2~~ge Streit
Among Amet'k:cn Hilt\ School students 10,11; M;:iJ~~r
Semlnay Attendenl9,10,11.12; Powder PUff Tlget'ette Oonc':rean 9; Academic Honors
9,10 ;TOP GUN Awad for c:heooeodng 12. 9; J.V. Cheerleocler 10, Vanity 11.12; I~~~ ~~..,c:iort'!ontgomery
Academic Honors 10.11; Usted In Who's Who
William Conrad Soundera lnAmet'lco 10.11; Secondnrner~ h Miss JROTC Sunmet' Canp; Cross Are Bible Club
"BiH" CHS Podgent 11: Dcnce Cllb 11. Pres. 12; Reporter.
Dec. 21 , 1976 Yeetbook SlotT 11.12: Selected for
You · Ccndebox outsi~J..~%~.'E.~d~'ff to go APfl Me lao Staten
-~~~~~~~~ Dec. 2.1 976
~~~0ib~ifW't1s; ;~~~ Koren Renee Smith Bend 9.11.12; ~r:w 10; Ffench Otb
Comty9,10,11.12, Stote 9,10~.12. Notlords 11; Feb. 21. 1977
Science Fc:ir Coll'lly 11; En oiled In Honors /Jock- Peort Jcm
Closses9,10,11,12: AP Amet'lcm Goll9rnment ~r~9:1D.P1~~g~'r;r;., Michael Stephana
p.J~~~.:='eHj'l~J~ ~~ 1~. Voleybc:il I 0; Vc:nity Volleybal 11 ,12: AP
11: Homecoming AcHvHies 9,10.12 Amooccn History 11; Voice of Democracy 11; Kelvin stewart
si'c:f1~~E~~~~s ~iO.f1~
Phi!I~!OII M:r. 9, 1977
Drane 12; Yeobook Edtor.Jn.CHef 12: htet'oct If I Ever Fal h Love A~
Mav23, 1977 12; VA Hosplfc:i Volulteer 9; Vocc:i Ememble "Go ctleod on..
Murder Was the Case 12; Ensemble Festlvc:i 12; Blble-d.Jc:i ErYollment Footbc:il 10.11 ,12. Player of the Week 1994;
• Nwo</s do vou best end neVet' o.itl" 12: Powdet' M 10; Right Guad 11. Wel)fll Utlinc 10.11.12; stole Chcrnplon 1994;
Gcinesllille Sun's AI team 1994; GolneMIIe
Honor 5oclety Y,IU,II,I:l; ::ievenltl f'r. lryan !Aland SOlomon Sul's Ployet' of the week 1994.
Vol.nteet'ln Attendance 12; AJp-oo The to 11; Al.Q. 6. 1977
Ffench Awad 11; "i'Ucrocket'" Acodemlc I NellfK Seen A Men Cry-6cafoce TerreH M. Strawder
lettet'I9,10.11,12:AP0asses 11,12 "I don't core: "Tefrel"
student COU'd 9, 1 0,11; Ffenc:h Otb 10: Honor ALQ 9,1976
Matt Schroader Rol10,12; HOSA Treosuet' 11; HOSA Voce
~>p. 15. 19n Prelldent 12; htet'oct 12. t You 1/'*Vc You're L~ Now · KC
fnt« Saldnc:n--Metollco -~~~'f~c~~i.Jr.
"Ohwelll" VIctoria leigh Sparb
proud to be Senlon7 Bond 9,10,11; Debate 10.11; Photogrq:lhy Cllb. "VId<l"
Dec. 18, 1976 Tara Sweredookl
lo~bysr•r c;o;,· Do..n -Scafoce ..ti 27.1977
"1'1 do It toterll"
.As\~976 Ffermcn Cheerteocler 9; JV Cheerteocler 10; I ~
Long Ro/n Collltry Boy-Ghaty Ocrlels Vastly Cheerteocler 11.12; Notlonc:i Honor "Go forti"
"You got smoked end that'" Sodety 9; FHA 9; Dcnce Otb 10,11,12: Chorus 11: Hc:itoween Carivc:i ot Amertccn
Footbdl; Ashlng: Hunting; Mollles. Yeabook Stott 11. Section Edtor 12: Mu AJp-oo lJooolrq 11.12.
lheto 12:1nteroct 12;HistoryCilb 10.11;
TequHa Sheppard Powder FVf 9,10,11.12: student CCllllCI Rep.
Feb. 2.1917 9, 11; Homecoming ActtviHes 9 ,I 0, 11,12:
ErYoled In Honors 9,10,11.12. ~,.___) --
Juan M. Sierra
·vorren· Amy ~lnn :~rd
I')A(-"- 1~ 1Cl77 . !'SI'il .
JUlie Ann Sadler
"Ff.~\~; Ronl Angela Tackett
Jcn 21 . 1977
"No I'm no1'Mellsto, I'm JUte.· 801ket Cose-<;reen Day
Yecrbook 10,11,12: Section Edtor 12; ·AI rlglty tMn • "stress• "141Yywar"
Ne~r 10.11; DARE 9; Drcrno 9; "Whatever·
HomecomlngActtvltles 10,11.12; Powdet' FVt Chorus 9,10,11.12: Ensemble 11.12; Oossftre
9: Voleybc:il 9: Soccet'ettes 9; Ouch 8ble Cllb 11.12; SAOO 12; Ffenc:h Otb 10,11.
lntemotlonc:i Youth Choir.
Mellua Patrice Sadler
Hanley Tarle~ l'aon l1ppln
Doddy'J'r~'%av D.xn ·vecr.··~t·
"No, I'm not Julle. l'm Melissa.· Footbdi9.10,11.12; Wel tlfthg 10,11,12:
Volleyball9,10; ROTC 9,10; FCA 9, 10; Weslhg 1 .12.
NewspqJGf 11,12; Seeton Edtor 12; Yeabook
11.12: htemolland Youth Ouc:hCHor 9 10· JO!~~~ylof
DARE 9, 10; 5occet'ettes9; Powdet' M
Homecoming ActMHes9,10,12; Second ..till. 1977
Ptoce lntemaliond Youth Poetry Writing 9. DoeJ He Do ff Goo<:H<elth s-....ot
"lhot's cn.nchy. •
JV Balebal 10; v~ tx:>sebc:il 11.12; Weight
KC Thomoo lo aught o IIHie off suard by the ~~~:~~':"ru':. lo doing worltl We hod to ~~oylor