Page 98 - chs-1995
P. 98
Crystal Consle
Joson Carroll
Joson Corson
Kelvin Corson
Deanna Corter
Sora Corter
Jonathon Carver
Sam Cason
Carlos Castellon
Knsty Castillo
Journalism student. Brandi Daniels. works
Sherry Cost1llo
diligently to sell advertisements.
John Causey
Jeremy Celli
Shoun Chapman
Sybil Chapman
Jackie Charles
Knsto Chesh~re
Jess1co Christensen
Dov1d Chnst1e
Kimberly Christie
Kelly Clarke
John Clarke
Atorio Clayton
Jodi Clevenger
Joson Cobb
Taking a break from their studies. Jeremy
Moore and Gretchen Williams d iscuss
their after school plans. Christopher Coker
Taro Coker
Domien Collngs
Donnetto Combs
Paul Compton
James Conklin
Don1elle Conner
Domnique Conner
Anltro Cook
Joseph Cook
Adnon Cooper
Caryn Cooper
John Corrao
Dwayne Cothron
Aren't you suppose to be studying
Jessica Christensen? Good grades may Josh Crapps
come easy for you but for the rest of Nick Crawford
Brad Crews
the Sophomore Class, we'll have to keep ChnsCrews
on trying.
Tosho Croy