Page 105 - chs-1996
P. 105
Amanda 1'hillips
Rot;,ut Phillips
Randal Pidgeon
Tr~va f'!uc~
Skphm f'lrillo
Janna Pitts
l<halilah Pollock
Melani~ Pool~
Angela 1'rwal;l;
Christm Pric~
Donna 1'ric~
Christina Prine~
C.J. 1'rov~aux
Rot;,ut Radford
Tocha Ratuff
~ck Rauluson
Garris Rud
R~u ~~s
Dan ~isw
K~hia Rentz
Kim ~c~
Mu~ith ~chards
Tony ~chards
Dan 1<1ggs
1'r~t<>n Ring
Courtn~y Rot;,uts
Lisa Rot;,utson
Kelly Rot;,inson
OliYia Rot;,inson
Angelia Rogus
Luci Rogus
Candac~ Ros~
Lashoun Ross
Sharon Ross
Ja mi~ Rossin
T ur~c~ Rossin
lhtls Rossin
Jam~ Row~
lim Royal
P~c'! Gina Basifisco shows th~ skdn of the. tim~ while. ~hard Hay~ and Do you nud a toothpiclc, Dana B~t?
Lisa Rot;,lnson sit t;,ack and smile.
Sophomores 99