Page 110 - chs-1996
P. 110


                          Homecoming wuk is  a time. that. all  st.ude.nt.s look
                   for.vard  t.o.  It:.  is  also  a  time.  for a  class  t.o  unite. as  one.
                   and that. is what. the.  Sopho mons did.  Our class
                   had an  skit. p«formtd by the.  lit.t.le. Rascals
                   Kim  Coue-y,  Amanda  Hunt.,  Case-y  Me Duffie.,  Vicki
                   Thomt.on, Angtla  Eadie.,  Kim  Ge-rmany,  Christie. Brannon,
                   Dustin  foste-r,  A mbe.r  St.e.phe.nson,  Mandy  Johnson,
                   Jana  Baile-y,  Apryll  We-st.,  Joyce.  Fe-agle.,  Nicole.  Caldwtll,
           Kolne.s,  and  Mari  Hine-s.  Thty all  did  an  e.xce.lle.nt.
                         Anothe-r activity that. rutuirtd ple.nt.y of uamworlc:
                   was the. building of the. float.. All  Sopho mons would like. t.o
                   thank  t.he.  and  pare.nt.s  that. htlptd,  e-specially
                   our class  sponsors  Mr.  Conne-r,  Mrs.  Shoup,  and  Ms.
                          The.  Class  of '98 did  we-ll  in  all  co mpe.titions, but.
                  ne-xt. ye-ar as v\.Jniors  we-11  do  be.t.w!

           ~ht: On~ of th~ m~siest things about lloat bu~ding is papi~mach~ So Erilc  Granad~.
           SUvM Ga)4ord,  Charlotu I<J.Jhn, and ..tlstin Gilb«tjust U3r ~ n~wspapu and l~v~ the
           r~t up  to evuyon~ ds~

                                         Our parad~ may hav~ b~ rain~ on  but
                                         Liana  'Mliu and  th~ ngu rots s~ll hav~
                                         smiling fac~.

                                                                          Kabyla lun!Part does evuyon~·s favoriu jot?:  stuffing mi  ·ons  of
                                                                          naplcins into tiny !~art~ hoi~.

             Erik  Granad~ car~fully paints  th~   Jt.ff Carson pass~ tly ...llniors and
             props fOI'  tN lloat.         Suliors -..4th a mazing sp~.

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