Page 115 - chs-1996
P. 115
Worting hard and $tudfrlg i$
part of tN h$hman lifC-$t)4c.
1Ny hav• to do $0 m•thing to kil•l>•twun wuk«ld$. eELOW:
1M faa.llt.y at t.n. North ca mptJ$
h8$ alwa)'$ l>un a good •xa•
of kamwort. ton. Rot>mon and
ton. law illJ$VaW thi$ point.
:fr~shm~YJ ~r~
just ~~ttiYJ~ ~
t~st~ of th~ ~t1~
Waiting for th~r time. to come., the.
Freshmtn art preparing for th~r momtnt in
the. spotlight. fhe.y art just .,tginning to 'Wtlat high school is all a.,out. .. .,ut not
e.xactly. Although the.y art part of the. high
school, separate. campus isolahs
thtm from the. rest of the. studtnt .,ody.
lhe.y miss the. co mpe.tativt ptp
rallie.s, the. crowde-d commons, the. purple.
and gold hallways, the. .. Micke.y Mouse. tars .. ,
and many oth« South campus a mtnitits
that thty will t;,cptritnct ne.xt ytar.
The. Fresh mtn art in for a .,ig change.
'Wtltn the.y come. to the. South campus, .,ut
until thtn, thty11 live. it up alone. for this
and to work«.
e4ing good pa)'$ off in tN «ld.
l"rC-$hmcn Without r•fural$
_..~'.ward~ \Mth a party and
tNy ol>~$1y had a ~t t.inM.
Freshmen Division 109