Page 114 - chs-1996
P. 114
friU~d$ ar• $till tn• mo$t
important whU~ it c;om~ to
f~hmcn. ~ North c;ampu$
giv~ .ac;h fr~hman c;la$$ a
c;hanc;• to unit. tog•th« and
pr.p- for tn. n•xt t.hru y.a~.
1M admini$trato~ ar• alwa)'$
on tn~r to•$, t>ut Mr$,
Chaml:>.nin prov~ that $h• ha$
it all to~tn«.
~h i$ mor• important, tn•
t•ac;h.r or th• c;a m•ra7
fr~hm«1 $hoW miX~<~ oMW$ on
tm $UI:> _jc(;t.
108 Freshmen