Page 116 - chs-1996
P. 116

Kri$t.ina   Hoffmann,  Tifhnc.y
                                             CanaHjo, U"ca  Griffin,  Kc.ndra
                                   \41<1,  ~.,. f "tcc., Jana  !tee.,
                                             rracy  J'al'$011$,  $how  tn~r  fig«
                                             f'ri<k.  at a  ..N  fooU>al  game.  The.
                                             gi1$ have. Pig $~ to fil nc.xt yu,r
                                             8$ th4y pc.c;orM  Sopho~.

               fl"6$hman  Olmtina  Hanirlqton, wai~ ou~i<U
               tn. lunchroom  to  go  pac;lc  to  cia$$,  fM
               ~troom Chao$  wa$  $Omc.tlmc.$  unt>c.ara~lc.,
               Put admirli$tratlon di$c;ouragc.d  $Wd~ from
               loiUiing  ou~i<U tn. cafc.wna.

               Jom Pau Holt, pays for tis lrlch ovu the. count«. Stud«<~ had  an option of pre--
               pay, OVU"tht--eountc.r,  or Poth.  Each  stud«Jt had an  id«Jtlticatlon numP« tht.y
               had to punch in "c.forc. thty made. thtir purchas(.. fhc. inc.$  wc.rc. slow at first PUt
               aftc.r a while.  tht.  pact. pickt.d "ack up. fhc.  hard  part was  thtir
               assignc.d num"«·

                   A shy of tht. tum of tht. ctntury, tht. class of
            1999 has t<>  90 throu<jh a lot of chan<_3t..  from L C M S t<>
            CHS-N and finally t<>  CH5-S, abovt. all  tht. standards will rist.
            and tht.y must achit.vt. mort..  GPA's must 90 up! Nt.w
            requirt.ments art. implt.mtnUd.                           Bill  Calc.y t.akt.$ a mom«Jt to thiric of lltlat to write. i1
                   fraditions, t.xpt.etations and infuiority art. all thin<,3s   Mr.  Joint.r'$  English  Class.  Plock  was
                                                                      common to  most  of  tAr.  Joint.r's  class.  Mr.  Join«
            tht.y must t.xpuitnct.. vllst think, in four ytars thty will
                                                                      chaii«J9t.d  studm~ to write. thtir Pt.$1:.
            bt.eomt. Seniors and takt. ov« tht hi<,3h  school, t.Vtn bt.fort.
            then, thty will t.xpuitnct. tht. rush of jam mtd halls,,   Stud«1~ wort hard in  Mr. 8c.c;nd's  Gc.omc.try Class
                                                                      to  gc.t  thtir wort  done.  PC.forc.  the.  Pdl  rings.  Mr.
            pt.p rallits, drivin<j, and ntw fritnds.
                                                                      8c.c;nd tc.acht.$ an array of Math claSS c.$,  from  Prc--
                                                                      Aigwra to Gc.omc.try.

          11 0  Freshmen
   111   112   113   114   115   116   117   118   119   120   121