Page 117 - chs-1996
P. 117
What. do you
think of school
ato ~ 9th grad~
What. do you
think school ,.;n
1>~ lik~ ato th~ Mr. Hauhcr is WOiic~ hard, sigring forms and papers too
south campus? kup th• nf'lth gra<U c.nw up and running. His jot> as
assistant. pmcipal is ~tic. l>ut r•wardi'lg. Ito r'C<\uir~ a
lot of cUdication and timt..
GRRRRI Th• "119cr Gro\1-1• is fdto around ~ school. This and many others lie• ito- l>eautiful additions that.
l>right4n up~ campus. studcnt.s and faci.Jtoy hdp~ paf'lto
~ mu!"aas of ~ grov.4ing, snar1ing l.gers.
fh~ p~pl~ h«~
ar~ weird.
lt11 t>~ diff«Mt
from this schooL
It will t>~
April Srinklc.y
Its diff~r~nt
from ttl~ middl~
111 prot>at>ly g~t
J(.s s~ Sullivan
fh~ 9ttl grad~
c~w is in t>ad
r~pair . Th~
t>uilding is just old. It was
t>uilt t>ack in th~
e.ar1y sixti~.
Th• south
campus will t>•
t>~tt« ttlan ttlis
Sonya Chapman, Shury K~to. Kdly 'Mison, Ragan Thomas, Mdissa Cartwright, Crystal CaiT, Am~cr Cas~y. paus~ for a
group shot as thty walk th~ gym in P.E. Rainy days fore~ tht Phys. Ed. stud~ts too rtmain indoors \1-tlu~ it was humid
and crowdt.d, l>uto th~t gir1s somthow ktpto a s mit on their fact.
Freshmen 111