Page 143 - chs-1996
P. 143

Doing a  uarful  m~uu tc  tnt.
                                                                           St.nior  class,  tht.  St.nior
                                                                           tigut.tUs  and  cht.t.rlt.adus,
                                                                           danct. tc  tht. 1996 class  song,
                                                                           "'That's  'Wtlat  frit.nds  Art.  for.-
                                                                           BELOW:  Ont.  of  CHS's  star
                                                                           wrt.stlus,   Shaun   Mt.t.ks,
                                                                           atumpts tc  takt. his  oppont.nt
                                                                           do~m tc tht. mat.

                                                                                           up ...

                                                                                  C1{5  5poYtS

                                                                                  As tht U.am5 warm up and 9tt rtady to
                                                                           90,  thty art prtparin<J  to  makt history at CHS.
                                                                           fhty art trut c;o mpttltors  and  skilltd  athltU.S
                                                                           that our sc;hool c;an  ~t proud of.  fhrou9h wins,
                                                                           tits, and lossts, thty c;o mt out of tht stasons
                                                                           with  thtlr htads hi<Jh,  proud  of what thty have.
                                                                           dont.  fhtst art our town's  pridt and joy,  our
                                                                           sports U.a ms.
                                                                                  Lakt  City has  always  ~ttn a  town  that
                                                                           c;tnt«td around tht sc;hool, and sc;hool sports,
                                                                           no  dou~t, is  a ~i9 part of our c;ommunity.  Many
                                                                            c;itlztns  havt c;omt as  sputators to c;hur tht
                                                                            ~tlovtd li<J«S to vic; tory and support our u.a ms
                                                                            throughout tht ytars.
                                                                                  Colu m~ia  High  has  always  bttn  bi<J  in
                                                                            sports and is  a ftartd namt in  our 6-A distric;t.
                                                                            Our li<Jtr playu-s, tspuially this ytar, havt <JiVtn
                                                                            our sc;hool somtthin<J to bt proud of.

                                                                         Using  their ~t.St,  lig«
                                                                         t>askt.~a  players  doul:>lt. uam a
                                                                          eak« County play«  tc kup him
                                                                         from  scoring.  This  dt.ft.nst.
                                                                         provt.d  t.fft.etivt. in  many of tnt.

                                                                         Aft« a spt.etacular st.ason  that saw tht. ligus tctal up  a  2&-4
                                                                         rt.eord, fACA AI Star honors wt.nttc Damion Rossin, tht.first CHS
                                                                         play« t.V« chost.n  for this uam.  Damion  playt.d  for tht.  North
                                                                         squad in  Daytona  8t.ach. fans Ujjoyt.d a match up ~t.twt.t.n
                                                                         tnt.  nt.-wly  formt.d  North  Ct.ntral  Florida  8askt.~all  Coacht.S
                                                                         Association AI Star uams as tht. icing on tht. cakt. tc  an  awt.So mt.
                                                                         st.ason.  frt.y  Hosford, 8ont.y Watson, and  Damion  Rossin  showt.d
                                                                         their ~nring ways  ont. mort. timt. tc tht. ligu faithful.
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