Page 144 - chs-1996
P. 144
Co~ch ...
Th• fooU:>al ua m has had
a (;hange of pa(;• thi$ season 'Mttl
ttl• d~ut of a mw (;Oa(;hing staff.
Head (;Oa(;h Danny Grun, CHS
graduate and form«' 6aker County
(;Oa(;h, has installed a wing-r
offUJse and a fifty scn.s defense..
The T".gers started the season wittl
the Ki(;koff Classi(; against
defending 4-A stau (;hampion
Sanu fc.. The Tigers defeated
th•m Ja-6. Th~r first distfi(;t
game was against fallahassu
lin(;oln. They (;a m• out on top wittl
a 50-2a win. losing to Yana ma
14-3, the Tigers thUl fa(;ed off
against Valdosta, at the tim•
ranked first in ~ stau and fifth in
the nation. Valdosta (;ame ~a(;k
from a 14-o disadYanta¥ to defeat
the Tigers in the fourth quarter.
fhe Tigers won against l'rclnt P'OW: f- ~ IAR<Iu"' C- O'?W, C...... Wta\ 8>4up, 'l)lln DoHon, _..., t.k;Crdlo, tol<ln All>ury, Rolori eandM'O, M4rN Po"*'>n, Adri.,
c....,..., !lorwoy w.t.on, loMb Doloo, Clft Word, Gory W .. kn, l.llko .Jonklno, ond lomor Grico. ~- P'OW: fim P.W, ~ !loono, _.,. ... \Mila moon,
fallahassu l.on 21-0, 6U(;holz _._ 11<6>d<, ...uo-. !" ...... _._, IWw, HMd C- DIM)'"'-'· lluA Co"*•· COI1 &mlth, f.......,• H ...... , Ad om &alzburg. Doniek ..oon .... ~
42-26, and Middl~urg 4a-o. The h>ton, C- DGW'ilo H..-.. ond Cooch !lily Hol4. Thrd P'OW: Couh .,.,..,. ~y. Cooch Ct-uct lolol>loy, Cooeh !lol>l>y .John&, Cooeh KM1 l!nl<lor,
Fighting Tigers then fa(;ed Orange -"-'> .. Lultlplcln. !lrod DieD, Rod lllloms, ..-• ., Klnt. Dom4 ~~ut~or, RoP..t ... .,. Ga>..t. HOlT)' ~.~ow. AI., a....,...._,, rra<l Row, !llalno
Yart in the Ho m"o ming Game, ~. KM1 Hoi, ~ Huntor, Cooeh SW.o Cho .. ...,, Cooeh ..110 R.ofoow, Couh Randy RDy. rOirih row: Coroy a.-.. ant Diets, l!rion AJ.n,
and walked away Yi<;torious. l~ !1ornoU, Wo)no llroo10. Dordd IMI .. oa. _..., Wotloy, Clft ....,.., loj.U !1orf411, Tony....,., Khold Ronll, !lraon fhomos, .Jm !lowe'a, eho.., U..U,
The SUwanu game was a
~itt« disappointment as the
6ulldogs ddivered a (;rushing 0-21
~low to T".ger pride..
The first SUp in ttle quest
for the State Championship
~ragging rights sent the Tigers to
Yensa(;ola High S(;hool ~«f they
won fl-12.
The team then r•tumed
to lake City to d•f•at lake
6ran~y 2a-14.
Th• Tigers •nded th~r
s.ason 'Mth a loss to high-powerfd
Ot1ando EYans in ttl• third round of
th• playoffs. Therf wer• only ~ht
ua ms left out of nin•ty-six at this
point. History was kind as ttle uam
had not a(;hieved a third-round
status in the playoffs Sin(;• the
1967 season.
The 1995-96 season is
(;Onsidued ~y most as a very .Jam~ \Wiiam$on earN& tM ~al for • t.ouchdov.n 'llltlH •n
SU(;(;•ssful (;haptu in th• opporwttfhln Futumpt6 to mak•tn.tackk
Colu m~ia High Fighting Tigers
AlJ9.25 Santa F~ Cla5sic
Stp.1 Open
Scp. " Talaha$SU Lincoln
Stp. -e Panama City ~thuf'ord
Scp. 22 Valdo5ta
Scp. 29 Talaha55U l~n
Oct..6 Sandal~
Oct.'C 8uchhob
Oct.20 Midd!Wurg
Oct.. 27 Manda lin
Hov.3 Orang~ t>ar1c 1M ng.- <U4'ff1U llrM$ 141 to ~fiv• tM play from D.t-'v• Coach Wliam ~y. 1hl$ r-"'$ d•fm$•1$ $tror'lgv
Hov.10 Suwannu th_, N .. 8ncf f'l tM I'MXt. f- ~ it $hould ~ Nm $tl'~.
138 Varsity Football