Page 141 - chs-1996
P. 141

R.tadin~ ovtr tN st.<lts in th~ n~wspap«,  Salior Bnan Alltrl, looks
                                                                     forward to th~ day h~11run out. on th~ tidd as a ~mino~

       ~ti~ a Ga mtcock for South Carolina  ~I I>~ •xcitln~ for Cor•y Grun.  His family and fritrlds   Si~i~ ~th a Dil4sion 1 school has t>~ a if~ lon~ dr~m for ~nan Aim  family and fritrlds
       ai'Msh him th~ t>~t.                                     off« thU' con~t.ulatlons to 81ian for this outst.<lndi~ achi~~mtrlt.

       Kansas is a ion~ way from  Lak~ Cit.y, t>ut.  ~rfon Thomas is r.ady to go I  f'la}1n~ for Coff~y.i•~
      ....lrlior Col~• \WI t>• a ~r~t. prq1ara~n for a Dillision 1 schooL  His  family and fritrlds ~I
       miss him t>ut. -Msh him wd.

                                                                                                  Scholarship Winners  135
   136   137   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146