Page 140 - chs-1996
P. 140

Thru ~r.; ago four musicians
      got.  t.og,lhu  t.o  play  som'
      grooyY  tu~. Afw a  month of
      pla~ng  t.og,lhu  lh'Y  r"4ivtd
      lh~r puformmg  d~ut. at.  lhf-
      Oust.u f4-5Wal  undu th' nam'
      of Sponge.  A f'w montt.s  aft.«
      th' puformanc~ at.  ~ f4-St.vai,
      th~ nam'  Spon5'  fell  through.
      Th' p#.nod  of t.rr.'  that. fol(lwtd
      was  ful of n'w nam4-S  from  Th'
      &and formaly l<no1111  as  Spong'
      t.o  M.S. in a 6ot.tlc.  Aft.u' a long
      t.m' of   st.r~ous ddil>
      ~y 1\naly s't.tud on Glass lucL
            Glass Luci is  ma<k ~
      of Andy  ..Johns  (guitar/Vocals),
      St.ow' Rlchards  (guitar),  Jason
      Cot>t>  (l>ass,  and
      ....bnathan  famdl  (p«eussion~
      Th'Y hav~ playtd at. plac4-S  from
      th~  Olust.u  f4-St.val  t.o  th~
      Hardl>ack  Caf~  in  Gain4-S\o'illc.
      Li  ~ al t>ands,  Glass  luci  hop4-S
      t.o  ~day sell  COs  and  puform
      t>~for~ thousands of p~plf-; t>ut.
     IJI"'U  than look  for  th~m around   Th~  mast«  of  nois~.  Jonathan   During  th~ cours~ of  th~ night,   Whil~ pla)ing  a  chaUmging  t.un~   At th• Hardt>acll:  Caf~ in  Gainw.1k,
      t.o\11'1.   ~a~~ on~ a t>~acon  of
      ~gM 'WiU  shin~ on  th~m in  this   Farntl,  t>~t.s out.  anoth«   Stow~ Richards  t>"o m4-S  crazy,   J<lson  Cot>t> t>it.4-S  his   Andy ....bhns t.ast.4-S  t.h~ microphone.
      world of wackin4-Ss.   Kup on wo"'ing on that tac"   crazy, crazy.  H~ is j.Jst. holding t>aclc   t.on~~ off.  H~y. "" l~s.   IM'Iat. tlavor  gum  is  that on  th«t
                                                  th~ ~X&iummt.
                                                                                                     In  the  summer  of  1994,
                                                                                                    Society  Down  was  form~
                                                                                                   from  the  ashes  of  a  1:1and
                                                                                                   form«iy containing  drumm«
                                                                                                    Matt  Watts  and  guitarist
                                                                                                   Natt Grun.   The  two  met
                                                                                                   through a  mutual  fritnd  and
                                                                                                   st.arttd the Pand.  Law, they
                                                                                                   realiztd  that they wanttd t.o
                                                                                                   play  a  difftrtnt  style  of
                                                                                                   music,  so  they  1:1roke  away
                                                                                                   and  1:1ua me  a  duo.  Shortly
                                                                                                   afttr,  Kris  Ha111:1trg,  lifelong
                                                                                                   friUld of Natt's , and  rua1t
                                                                                                   acquaintance of Matt's,  was
                                                                                                   asktd to sing for them, and it
                                                                                                   wo"'td out.  The last dement
                                                                                                   they  nudtd  was  a  t>ass
                                                                                                   player,  and  afttr  many
                                                                                                   tryouts   (and   many
                                                                                                   disgruntled Pass players-our
                                                                                                   apologies),  they  settltd  on
                                                                                                   Matt   Perkins,   an
                                                                                                   acquaintance of all  and soon
                                                                                                   to 1:1e  fritnd.  It's  funny  how
      cunou~ llhy )'OU  look  so  much  lik•   Alri~t.. ~o pr~f«S  Cok~ t.o  f>~si?   It.'s  so  nic~ t.o  mut.  wf.ll-round~   IM'Iat. is  that guy ov« th«~ doing?   things  woric  out,  Put  they
      ,Jc,rry  S4infdd7  This  is  th•  only   Kris  Hallt>ug  polit.f-ly  surv~ys  th~   yoi.J'lg  mm  Nau Gr~ also  mjoys   Wow, MaU. f>aicins can look and play   stuck ~th it, and 1:1uilt  a pand
      th<JU4'1t. on  ~aU. Watt's  mind  as h'   crowd.   ~~chair racing  and  und«wat«   t>ass at til~ sam~ t.m"   t>astd  on  strong  friUldship
                                                                                                   and the  nud  in  ev~one of
      pr'Par4-S  t.o  practice.                     racqu~t.t>all  along  ~th his  guitar          them to go hog wild.

       HighProw  is  Mike  and
      Da'rid  Bond, Chris  Morgan,
      And  Lucas  BoyetU.  "'We
      try to  kup  the  music  as
      emotional  and  truthful as
      possiOie without losing its
      originality.   fruth  is  the
      most  important  Yirtue  if
      we  are  to  leam  anything
      apout ourselves:•

                          Through  his  l)'ics,  Dav~  eond   H~y. Lucas  eoy~t.u, it  must  t>~   And heN w• hav• Mik•  eond doing   H«~ Chris  Morgan  shows  his
                          induc4-S  a plac~ ~~ t>oys  t>"om~ hard t.o solo  ~th all  that hair   his t>4-St. 'vlnne  f>aul  imitation.  Kup   calling, a and ultlmau ~ldman.
                          giants. Wait, go Ull Gi.Jiva-1   in yoLr ~y4-S. look it is  Ch~\lt>acca.
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