Page 149 - chs-1996
P. 149
tt etlt
Sep.1-4 Ocala Forf.St
Sep. 21 St. Augustil~
Sep.28 Fernandina B~ch
Oct. 5 Buchholz
Oct.12 Baku County
Oct.19 Suwannu
Oct. 26 Orang~ f'ark
The. C H 5 Junior Varsity
foot:Pall uam has bun unde.fe.aUd
for the. past five. ye.ars. ihe. uam is
coache-d by form« CHS graduate.,
Donnie. Harrison. ihe. J.V. plays
about game.s a ihe.
tw..1 C4ad>- 0om1o Hom6<lrl. Aao\. c- • Chu<:t ~. t.liktl et>«.op, .Jo•y O', 1<ra1g l'u~>~ ... KM1 ew...n . r.vw · Calma l!lslnri, et.Jd.,t e.nde.d their se.ason with a 7-
frairw • wa..-. ea-. Chr1l eut~or, Amold GriMn, a .. Odo,., - Loc:hy, .....,... a)"d, ....... D"eu.n. l.lario And.-wn, Rod c....,.,, n .. cauldy, GNt
Howwd, eholdon Joc:lloon, etl..._, Cuny, .Jooh l'lrlotW. ian 1&19, Dram..,. Gny.fflf'Y Tlw>mao, Prow Soan, Jolt Wrd, ..... ,. .. 'Mio, l.lar<Uo Andlt'Son, 0 re.cord. ihe. close-st game. for the.
l.lrcuo Got.,_, --.... caa. ... ~ ..tom~tan . ~.~.,.... Rooo, KM1 I<Mlrinfl'-""· l.latt cr-.. Don London. I<And)l 1'~. r.....,.. GoNr, ..Jaoon watt..,
Jt- Holand, ~ Tlw>..,son.- ffa~Mraon, Jom ~. ei""'" ""'""· Fa10on 0\n>r, a"ll ~olw. Aaron Hal, Clvlo [lb, Jtllliehaol Jon ... tric: was against Ocala,
Hal, 001)1 -.....,All~ fo..,., a., &wol, ao HIMg. Ci.rilo, CLrilo llryant. aol>loy - · OOfY'N !l<ri<ln, a.- i<i>g, .Jody RaiWoon, Jooon I.I<Cal,
..-..... Wlllt. .. , f .C. fll)4or, Carioo ,...,..,, f.....,.• Hawno, ~ I.I<G ... fauNa lWei, fra.Oo l.lywa, Ray..--... Thob ltoaoln, o..Hc; L.._ 'Who score-d thirte.e.n points against
the.m. It was the. only time. a ua m
has also took a big
win ove.r SUwannu, on Thursday,
Octobe-r 19. ihe. J.V. starte-d
training for their winning se.ason,
August 8. ihe.y practice-d thru
days a wuk from 4:00 p.m. to
6:30p.m. at C.H.S. North Campus.
ihe.y e.nde.d their se.ason Octobe-r
26. Coach Harrison has be.e.n
coaching for ye.ars. He.
coache-d junior high, u.n ye.ars and
junior varsity, ye.ars. Coach
t.eario An<krsoo shoW5 tN camua tnat tN ligu·ur~ 11. Harrison said he. de.cide.d to be. a
coach be.cause. he. e.njoye.d being
around athle-tics. He. said *It's just
so me-thing I e.njoy doing... Coach
Harrison~ re.cord as a coach is
nine.ty two wins, twe.nty five. losse-s,
and one. tie..Coach Harrison~ last
re.mark was *111 continue. to coach,
as long as I continue. to e.njoy it...,
&.,; ~h«' W1d t.4arcus Goggins talc at>out tN..., Chri$ &utW and Arnold Griffrljoin th• pep raay as tN
against~ Palt. t.a m is arYlOIJI'lUd.