Page 154 - chs-1996
P. 154
..N VoU~J4'al uam had a sensai:Wnal s~ason.
Not only did th~y improv~ their ruord, th~y also
had to l:lounc~ ~:Jack from a chang~ in coach~.
Amy StarT coach~ for first part of th~ s~ason
and Mary Hal~ took ov«. Th~ gins participa~
in a doul:l~ elimination tournament in Branford
and plac~ 2nd, an improv~ment ov« last y~ar.
Th~y d~f~a~ th~ 3rd plac~ ua m \¥tlich put
th~m up against und~f~a~ North Aorida
Christian Acada my in th~ finals. Th~y won th~
first of 3 gam~ ~:Jut fell th~ last two placing 2nd.
Linds~y Hal~ was nam~ AU Tournament T~am.
Th~ ..N VoU~yl:laU ua m finish~ [} and 7.
(Hom~ Gam~)
Sept.11 Mayo
Sept.14 SUwamu
Sittlng: Laquitta Pcny, Mandy Campl>dl. fm-a Austh Captain Candac~ Kelly, Captain Kim Cou~y.
Sept.1[} Easts~
Hal~. fakydra Rol>inson, Jan~~ Jordan. fop Row: Coach Amy St:.a,., Skut« Pmnington, L)fldsU Skinnu,
Sept.19 Baku Lang, l<dly W.son, Holly fLITlU', Managu.
Sept. 2[} L~
Oct. 5 Li'lco~
Oct. 12 Mayo
Oct. 16 Bradford
L~tta Pcny waits for tn. ...t\isU~ to
Oct.fl Bucholz $.,..,~ tn.l>all.
1<4)' V.Vson u~ tn. l>all to om of h4r kam
linds~y Hal~ waits paamtly for th~ opponmts to suv~ t:h~
I> a I.
lyndsu Slclnnu, Janek;~ Jordan, Ktlly 'Mison and fakydra Rollinson show clos~
friendship on t:h~ ua m.
148 JV Volleyball