Page 153 - chs-1996
P. 153
Y~t ....
The. ligers are. re-building aft« a tragic two
ye-ars of losse-s and disappointme-nts. Lady
fig« Varsity Volle.J"i:'all has ste.ppe.d it up this
se-ason and de.fe.ate.d more. te-ams than in
the. past two se-asons combine-d. lhty be-gan
the. se-ason with a hard loss to Bradford
County but came. back with a four game.
winning stre-ak. The. stre-ak mde.d with a loss
to District foe. fallahasse.e. Lincoln. The. co mpe.te.d in the. Branford
toumame.nt on Se.pte.mb« 30. The. ladie-s
took a hard fought third place. finish that
brought smile-s to the. playe-rs and fan's
face-s. Se-nior Robin Sullivan was chose-n for
the. All-fourname.nt With the. ne.w coach Dtanna Law, the. ligers are. sure.
I" on~ row: &randi 8ro~m, Aprl fuck.-, ff.ot>i1 SUiivan, f..rin GiW4ig, Jcma Cole. 8aac row: Jack~ Gil,
to make. it the. ytar e.v«.
Dana 8~~. 8randi Daniels, ~anma 8ro~, K4lly 81anton, Holy H•, Coach D_,a Law. No~pi<::u.r.d:
Julnif41" ~omson
Stp. 7 Bradford
Stp. 11 Mayo
St.p.14 Suwa1111U
St.p.19 Bale a
St.p. 21 L.i1Coil
St.p. 25 BLJ<;hholz
St.p. 27 Eastside
Oct. 3 Suwa1111U
Oct. 5 L~oil
Oct.10 Leon
Oct.12 Mayo
Oct. 16 Bradford
Oct.fl Buchholz
Oct.19 Bak«
Oct. 23 Districts