Page 174 - chs-1996
P. 174
119 Baktr County
1/12 Lwn
1112 Orang~ Par1c
1119-20 L. c. Kiwanis roum~y
1123 F~andina B~ach
2/3 District. 2 6-A roumammt.
As th~ ~xciting s~ason of
the. 1995-1996 wr~st.ling
Front Row: Damy Ga:>kin:>, John Span.::>, Rol>l:>i~ Collotti, John f>lic:~. E:>ton All>ury, Aaron John:>, Adrian
co me.s to an e.nd, thtlr final Coopu, Mb Chri:>ti~, SUv~ Al>l>ot.t. S«;ond Row: Aaron Hall, Jury Jmkin:>, .Ja:>on Blair, &ott Mc;qu~, ~Yil
K~ington, .Ja:>on Hothihdu, Matt Thoma:>, Oay Span.::>, Eric: Hall, SUphm B«l«l<>augh. Third Row: Ctvi5
r~ord is 11-2-1. As th~ ua m Eli:>, .Ja:>on King, fravi:> Gil>ut, Alan B~ml>aLKJh, John Gr~. Bryan Al>l>ott, Shaun Muk:>, Harry Mou,
approach~d the. class2-6A Eric: Ut~. D~ Kmri119ton, Coac:h Miuh Shoup.
dis t.rict. championships,
fravis Gilbut, a two y~a r
stat.~ qualifi~r, d~f~at.~d all
his oppon~nt.s and b~ca m~
th~ district. champion. Shaun
Muks a 1 y~ar qualifi«
was also award~d district.
champion. Ot.h~r district.
plac~rs and qualifi~rs "'W~r~
Harry Mot.~, Alan
B~d~nbaugh, Est.on Albury,
John Price., Matt Tho mas,
Aaron Johns, Jason Blair,
K~vin Ke-nnington, and Darnll
K~nningt.on. fh~ fig~r
Wre-stling r~am t.ravtltd to '""~ .... ~
~-· . _:__, __ ·
Panama City to com~pu in
Rt<Jionals. fravis Gilbtrt. and
Whil~ waiting on th• whi:>t.l6, 'Mth th~ :>o1.11d of th6 r~fuu':> hand agaimt th~ mat, Harry Mou pin~ do~W~
Shawn Muks plac~ first.. Matt Thoma:> plan:> hi5 mov-. anothu win.
Jason Blair plac~ third and
Eston Albury plac~d fourth.
lh~ ua m plac~d forth out of
20 t.~a ms. This is Ira vis
Gilb~rt.'s third cons~cut.iv~
championship in R~gional
co mp~tition. H~ plac~ fourth
in Stat.~ in his Sophomon
y~ar. fravis will not hav~ to
co mp~u with Billy Say1or who
gav~ him his only two loss~s
this y~ar.
On th• mat i:> 'Mooc:h' Chri:>tif
v.t.i~ put.tii'Wj hi:> oppon~t':> :>houldu to th~ mat, Shaun Muk:> lind:> tim~ to po:>•
waiting to l>~in.
for th• c:amua.