Page 176 - chs-1996
P. 176
ltftlVJ~ t~eY
lh~ llg«'s w~ight. lifting t.~a m
had a spe-ctacular s~ason winning forth~ first. t.imt- sinct-1967.
Th~ s~ason was 8-1 with tht- only v.,. ........... _~
loss to Palatka. lht- lig«s W«~
I~ by Mikt- Dai~s, Brian All~, and
Brt-on Tho mas. All~n and Dai~s
won first. in thtir class and Thomas
finish~ third. All~n t.itd t.h~ 219-
pound marl< in b~ch pnss
(390 lbs.) and cl~an and j~rk
(290 lbs.) to s~t. a n~w total
of 680. Dai~s's stat.~ winning
total of 600 lbs. in tht 183 pound
wtight. class of a 310
b~ch and a 290 cltan and j«k.
Eston Albury and Callum
took stcond in t.h~ir class~s.
Lynard Dicks plactd 5th and
lyron~ Mullins plac~ third.
CHS host.~d stat.~
and plac~ first. with a grand total Tht- Stau Wtight lifting Championship uam : front row: Gwrgt- Liti:Jt-, Eston Albury, L)'Tlard Dicks, Brian Allt-n, Brwn
Thomas, Combs. Row 2: Chns Wachob,Gary Wt-Ston, Douglas Park«, Billy Locklt-y, Brwn King, Marcus And«Son,
of 36 points. Coach Johns and tht Marcus Goggins. Row 3 : Dramaint- Gray, M1kt-, nm Pau, Shannon Curry, Jarvis Byrd, Dwa}'Tlt- Gwrgt-~ D~rold
t.ta m hav~ madt lig~rs 'W'illiams. Row4: John Grunt-, Mario And«Son, Don London, Quintum Callum, Lt-Yi Bt-nnt-tt, Adam Salzburg, Enc Liti:Jt.
Row 5 : Bo Spradlt-y, f«ranct- Gainu, Amold Griftin, John Corrao, Jason Rob«tson. Row 6: frank Carlislt-, Mikt- Dais.
It t.ak~ focus as wdl as powu to I>~ a llinr111<J lift«.
Doug f>arbr knows!
I can do it.ll ~ly Locklt.y gt-t.s it. hiqll
~ack up n(¥« hurts I Eric is glad to hav~ a pair of waitrlg hands. Eric is a wry
valual>l~ uam m~ml>«.