Page 192 - chs-1996
P. 192

~&t~L~tshLp.  commttm~nt

         ~ftn~  &td m tn tstt&ttton .St&t{{

                     At fooU1all  game-s,  on  walkie  talkie-s,  in  the haYs,  on  the look  out.M.Ev.,-ywh.,-•11  The
                  administra~on and  staff  made  sure  evaything  moved  smoothly  and  if it didn't,  they
                  cotTUted it....  fAS'fl  Good  and  ~ad moments  tilled  long  days  ~th the good  far exceeding
                  the ~ad.  The staff and  administrative leaduship at ~oth campuse-s  worked  long  hours and
                  kept  •school cool"'!  Guidance Coi.Wlsdors  w~ swamped ~th paperwork ~ut always had time
                  for a smile and  a solution to a pro~lem.  School  nurse-s  doctor«~ cuts and  scrape-s,  gave
                  ad\l'ice,  and  kind  words.  Kuping  the  school  neat  and  tidy  was  a  real  challenge  ~ut
                  improvements  w~ seen  evuywt1«e..  Teach« aide-s  were  always  ava~a~le to give  a helping
                  hand,  secretarie-s,  co mput« pusonnd  a~ al  com mit ted  to  pro'r'iding  the  right  mix  of
                  profe.ssiona~sms and old fashion caring.
                    One  of the ~i< chaUenge.s  is  kuping the enti~ school  system  on  track.  Und« the
                  capa~le hands of Dr.  Dianne Lane,  SUp«intendent, and the school ~oard mem~us. the task
                   of  funding  and  administramg  the  school  has  ~een succe-ssful  for  95-96.  Dr.  5a,-t,ara
                   fo~man did an excdlult jo~ as  Dirutor of Secondary Education
                      As  the administration  and  staff 'WT'e.s~e ~th the  mandate-s  of the  Department of
                   Education and  the of the community and students, students can  ~e assurtd that
                   Mr.  Huddleston and  the ~t of the staff are truly committed to them.  Th~ is  •jus~ tn•
                   right  mix"' of caring  and  discipline..

              Discussing  the rules  and  ~ula~ons is  easy for Mr.  Flannagan.  5eing   Checking  the sign  out shut and  checking  up  on  a~sence.s
              a CHS  and  U off grad, he knows stud)1ng is hard ~ut worth it!   kups  Mrs.  Ro~uson ~usy.

                                      &room, ~ctty
                                      Cafl'cnur,  ~wara
                                      Harden,  ~all~
                                      Chamj,ri1, Joann
                                      cray. Cox
                                      l"or•man,  &art>ara
                                      Gay, Jir'w
                                      Gi, Haney

                                      Hauhu', I<Ait:n
                                      Huddlc.5ton, Tmy
                                     Ja~, ~wctiy
                                     Jont$, Ali<;~

                                     Matitham, GW!da
                                     Maxwell.  Kim
                                     McCormi<;k,  l<li5WI~
                                     Mil«, Gail
                                     tMton, Anita
         186                         Mixon, Mary
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