Page 188 - chs-1996
P. 188
Th(. 1996 golf uam promise.s to 1;1(. tfl(. 111 ovu fiftun y~rs. Led l:ly r(.tuming stars
CJ prov~ux and Danit.l Fl~ut. tfl(. lig~· goal is
to v.1n \:h(. district championship. N(.wcom~ fodd
Caru.r (Fre.shman) and Nick Slay (Santa f(.) should
compi(.U \:h(. pu221(. as tfl(.'s four top play~.
Otnu play~ compl(.ting tfl(. usual top six match
format may includ(. fravis Ryals and struggling
Hom« Mt.lgard. Josh Campl:lt.ll and good m~d
fravis l(.ml(.y are also ntuming this season.
Coach Randy R~ist« told \:h(. play~ ru~tly, "A
p«fut 22-0 r~ular S(.ason ruord 'Will 1;1(. a failur(.
if W(. do not l:lring hom(.\:h(. district titlt." This may
1;1(. the ligus l:l~t chanc(. in y(.ars. District
co mp(.tition 'Will talc(. plaC(. on tfl(. ligus' hom(.
course, Quail Heights Country Clul:l. Many of tfl(.
golf~ are amciously awaiting \:h(. coming stason." I
am (.Xcited to 1;1(. on th(. Golf is my ~tin lif(.
and I dont know \It\ at I would do if I was not on tfl(." said Hom« Mt.lgaard. fravis l(.ml(.y adds,"
Ev~ though I am not vuy good, I ~joy l:lugging tfl(.
l<nulir19 L-R: Tra\'is Ryals, Tra\'is L~ml~y. f<lchard francis, Standing L-R: Quinton Mdgaard,B~u Card«, Nick Slay,
play~.· Th(. lig~ 'Will l:l~in tntir S(.ason at tht Todd Cart«, Sha\1.11 Laundrith. standing L-R: Coach Randy Rt9stu, Oanid A~«t, C.J. Prov~ux. Maston Crapps.
Early Bird foumam~t at Amt.lia Island.
"A shot at the.
Distri(;ts is not
far fe.t(;h e.d this with the.
Salior Quinton Mdgaard S«ior Oanid A~«t S(; o re.s we.
have. had.~~
- Danie.l f
Sha\1.11 Lan<iith nash~ a smil~ to
th~ ca mua as ~ walks to golf.
Ch~i1' it in th~ golf cart ar~ B~
Card« and C.J. Prov~x.
for~ll Ths is lltlat C.J. Prov~x says as ~ watc~ h1s f<lchard francis conc~tn~ on hiS stiir19 up ~sand is Sha\1.11 Lan<iith as h~ hits from th~ sand
drive. ch" atGuail H~~ts. tnp l>~for~ a match.