Page 191 - chs-1996
P. 191

~ Mf' • ...listiC6 is  inUf'ltly
                                                                         r6'1'i$ing  hi$  plan$  for  U'l6
                                                                         coming  wulc.  H6  WOft$  hard
                                                                         to  pro'tld6  hia  $WdMt;$  1111U1
                                                                         U'l6 kno~6dg6 of hi$tory U'lat
                                                                         U'lcy nud to  go  on  to coll6gC.
                                                                         ~ Mrs.  Mclnto$h  is
                                                                         sm~ lik6  this was  th6  first
                                                                         tim•   $0 m6on6   has
                                                                         congratulaUd  hv fOf'  l>~ng
                                                                         SouU'I campus' f 6aehv of th6

                                                                             Cau~ht rUp  1n  ~~
                                                                                          Svti.x ...

                                                                                   1ac:::ult~  and


                                                                                  Having  to  d6al  with  ov6r  two
                                                                            thousand  stud6nts  6V«y day with  only  a
                                                                            two  day wuk6nd  is  not 6V«yon6'S  dna m
                                                                            carur, l:>ut  for th6 uach«S at Columl:>ia
                                                                            High,  it's  a  way  of  lif6.  Thos6  tir6I6SS
                                                                            crusad«S fighting  th6 l:>attl6 of 6ducation
                                                                            ar6  much  mor6  than  th6  illusion  of
                                                                            h6artl6SS  slav6  driv«S  th6y  portray.  Our
                                                                            rtl6ntl6ss,  hom6work-giving,  quiz-popping
                                                                            uach«S sp6nd such a larg6 chunk of th~r
                                                                            liv65  molding  th6 futur65  of stud6nts. Th6
                                                                            school  day do6Sn't 6nd  at 3:10  for th6m,
                                                                            th6y tak6 ho m6  th~r work  6V«y night and
                                                                            on  th6 wuk6nds. Th6y not only su to  our
                                                                            acad6mic wtlfar6,  l:>ut th6y ofUn help  with
                                                                            our  p«Sonal  prol:>l6ms.  Th6  uach«S  at
                                                                            C.H.S.  ar6  mor6  than  what  th6y  sum.
                                                                            Without th6m,  our school would  not 1:>6  as
                                                                            gnat as it is.

                                                                          Mr. Hucldl6ston smiNs on tl$
                                                                          way out to th6 common$. H6
                                                                          ruv.r fails to 1>6 dn<
                                                                          s~ to class and~
                                                                          to prw6nt tarck$.

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