Page 189 - chs-1996
P. 189


                                                                                      lh~ Columbia  Hi ~jh  School  ~j irls  ~jolt
                                                                               uam has  had  a  ljnat yt-ar  so  far  with  four
                                                                               match~ playt-d  and  four  matcht-s  won.  That
                                                                               would  makt- our  ruord  outstandinlj!  Wt- hav~
                                                                               playt-d  sam~ old  uams,  for  t-xamplt-,  Eastsidt-.
                                                                               This  Uam  b~at US  last yt-ar  but  Wt- dt-ft-att-d
                                                                               tht-m  this  y~ar. Wt- also  playt-d  flt-tchu which
                                                                               had  a pntty ~jood and  a bt-aui:Uul  courst-.
                                                                               All th~ U-ams  w~ hav~ playt-d  hav~ had vuy nic~
                                                                               coars~ and poliu playt-rs.  Our uam t.njoys  th~
                                                                               btn~fit of  9~ttln~j  to  play  so  many  cours~
                                                                               around th~ of florida. All  th~ uams wt- play
                                                                               givt- us  a  grt-at  co mpt-t:.itlon.  lh«~ art- so mt-
                                                                               difficult match~ aht-ad but with a lot of practlc~
                                                                               and  dt-t«minatlon Wt- will  comt- out with a grt-at
                                                                               st-ason. lh~ gins coach is  Dt-anna  Law.  Sht- puts
                                                                               in  a lot. of tim~ and  ~ffort. Y;ith  this uam. This is
                                                                               tht- suond yt-ar of havin9  a gins  golf  ua m and
                                                                               w~ Y;ish  to kup it going for gt.nuatlons to comt-.
       front Row:  Mirtya Z~aya, A119~a Eadit,  Brandi  Dani~s .  Darcy  D~anty, Brandi  Brown,  Lynsu Buschar. Back  Row:
       Tiffany Moort, Olil'ia  ~os, K~ly Blanton, Stquita Wilson, fammy Carta, Amt>u  D~atos.

          Stnior Darcy D~anty.     Stnior Brandi  Brown.

                                                      Brandi  Dani~s gtts rtady tor a  match
                                                      t>y taking a ftw s IW!gs .
                   • •

                                                                                 ~ly Blanton hits a t>al  on tht dri'flflg rangt to p«ftet
                                                                                 h« slling.

                                                                               '96  Schtdu~

                                              Brandi  Brown practictS h« siW!g during a match.
                                                                                         2115         Ed  'Wtliu
                                                                                         2120         G.H.S
                                                                                         3114         fl~Uh«
                                                                                         3/25         SUwannu
                                                                                         3/28         Mandarin
                                                                                         411          Buchholz
                                                                                         4/3          Eastsid~
                                                                                         4115         Lincoln
                                                                                         4/fl         iury f?ar1cer
        A119tla  Eadit pracl;jctS h« golf  s~ng on  tht driving                          4118         Sandalwood
        rangt t>tfort a match.
                                            frtShmtn  ~utta Wilson, Amt>« Dtlatos, Tiffany Moort, and  Lynn  Mull«.
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