Page 218 - chs-1996
P. 218
As the Class of
1996, we will move int<l NBrought
our adult ~Vf.S as mature
and responsi"le human
"eings. We le-arned, at tog~th«
very young ages, that
togetherness makes for by
true happiness. The
f r i endsh i ps and chanc~,
achievements tha t we
have made t<lgether will
"e captur«l forwer within d~part
our hearts. On these
pagf.S are a few of the ~Urn a I
acco mplishments that
e-ach of us has achieved in
tht past four ye-ars, never frimds.»
t<l "e forgotten.
Jason Kayne Armstead Captain Varsity Cheerleader, Art Club, FCA,
August 5, 1978 CJSA, Homecoming Activities; 12th-Varsit~
Jeffery Abbott "Forced to endure what I could not forgive." Softball, Art Club, FCA, Interact, CJSA,
Indifference-Pearl Jam
Easton F. Albury Ill 9th-Homecoming Activities, BETA, Spanish Homecoming Activities, Powder Puff, Yearboo
Staff, Dual Enrollment
"Third" Club; 10th-Who's Who Among American High
October 21, 1977 School Students, Homecoming Activities, Alan Bedenbaugh
John 3:16 Spanish Club, Young Republicans; 11th-Who's July8,1978
New York Minuute-Eagels Who, Leo Club, CJSA, Homecoming Activities; 9th-12th-Football, Baseball, Wrestling
9th-Football, Wresting, President BETA, 12th-Leo Club, CJSA, Homecoming Activi-
ties, History Club, Leadership, Dual Enroll-
Student Council Representative; 10th- Brooks Bedenbaugh
Football, Wrestling, Weightlifting, Treasurer March 21, 1978
French Club. NHS; 11th-Football, Wrestling, Willie Eugene Arrington II "I don't think sol"
Weightlifting, French Club, NHS, CJSA; "Will"
That Was A River-collin Ray
12th-Football, Wrestling, Weightlifting, March 3, 1978 11th-Student Council Representative;
BETA, President CJSA, FCA, NHS Vice Presi- "Snoochie, Bootchies"
Nothingman-Pearl Jam 12th-cBE Secretary
dent, Boy's State, Dual Enrollment, Student
9-BETA; 11-BETA, National Honors Soci-
Council Representative Chris Bell
ety, Criminal Justice Association; 12-BETA,
Shana Alexander National Honors Society, Criminal Justice Mark Bell
April13, 1978 Association, Leo, Dual Enrollment
Tina Bell
"Oh Hush!"
Blister In the Sun-Violent Femmes
David Landon Belyeu
9-BETA, Student Council, CHS Band, Aca-
Dylan Baker "D-Yoda"
demic Letter; 10th-National Honors Soci-
ety, BETA, CHS Band, Leo; 11-National Hon- Erika Baker Standing Outside the Fire-Garth Brooke;
ors Society, BETA, CHS Band Officer, "Meka"
International Club, Fellowship of Christa in 5hawnta Barkley Amy Bembry
Athletes; 12-History Clu~President, Leo,
Jeremy Bass
National Honors Society, BETA, Executive Danielle Benjamin
Internship Jason Baugh
Eugenia Blac:kmon
Brian Lamar Allen Heather Aleshia Beauchamp
"BA" "Hezz" Jason Lee Blair
April1, 1978 February 5, 1978 April 7, 1978
"Good things come to those who wait." Gangsta Paradise-coolio
Bobby-Reba McKentire
Waterfalls-TLC 9th-12th-Football, Wrestling, Baseball, 11th·
9th-co-Captain JV Cheerleader, Varsity
Basketball, Football, Weightlifting, FHA Hero 12th-cJSA, FCA
Softball, CHAOS, Secretary BETA, Powder
Thomas Allen Puff, Homecoming Activities; 10th-Varsity Shawn Blakley
Softball, JV Cheerleader, Powder Puff, Home-
Nancy Apsey coming Activities; 11th-Varsity Softball, Co- Julie Blunt
212 Sr lndex