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P. 222
Thomas Earl Hosford Ill Jerry Jenkins, Jr. Sarah Elizabeth Kelly
"Trey, T-Earl" "JJ" " l illy", "Baby Boo", " Queen Bee"
January 7, 1978 January 14, 1978 June 27, 1978
"min the zone!" Wrestling. DCT " You ate it !", " Wait a sec, I'm online!", " Mrs.
Eye of the Tiger Carter, I think we have a problem ... "
Michael Jenkins
9th-JV Bask:etball, BETA; 10th-JV Bas- ightswimming-REM, Boogie Oogie Dogie-
ketball; 11th-Varsity Basketball; 12th-Var- Chris Jernigan Little Taste of Honey
9th-CHAOS-Secretary. Drama, BETA;
sity Basketball
Shonta Shanae Jerry 10th-Young Republicans, Spanish Club,
Shawna Hostetler "Puddin" Journalism; 11th-Spanish Club-Sgt. at
April1, 1978 Arms & Sweetheart, Journalism-Freshman
Damia Houston "You wrong for that." Section Editor, Who's Who Among American
FEA, Bible, FHA-HERO High School Students; 12th-Spanish
Carol Howell
Alexis Johnson Club-President, Leo Club-Director, Senior
Michael H. Huelskamp Superlative-Most Dependable, Powder Puff.
" Road kill" April Jeanette Johnson Journalism-Yearbook Editor-in-Chief
March 10, 1978 "Sqeaky"
"It's all good!" March 3, 1978 Terrance Kelly
Comfortably umb-Pink Floyd "Act like you know." Fariel Kennington
FFA. Band, Chorus, History Club, FCA Who Can I Run Tcr--Xscape
9th-Band; 10th-Band; 11th-HOSA, Band; Emily Anne Kiefer
Michelle Christina Hughes 12th-HOSA-Secretary, Pre-collegiate, "Bait"
"Chell" Health and Fitness, Student Trainer June 20, 1977
September 19, 1978 The Dangling Conversation-Simon & Gar-
Beverly Johnson
12th-Leo Club, History Club, French Club funkel
Darrel Johnson 9th-BETA, Drama; 10th-BETA, Young
Republicans, Spanish Competition, Who's
Elizabeth Michelle Johnson Who; 11th-International, Spanish, Who's
"Liz" Who; 12th-Spanish, History, Dual Enroll-
September 10, 1977 ment
"What's wrong?"
Samantha Candice Christy Lea King
Love Lessons-Tracy Byrd
" Sam"
10-11th-DCT; 12th-Health and Fitness,
June 26. 1978
"Smart is not what you know, it's how you
Tony Johnson use what you know."
I Love the Way You Love Me-John M. Mont-
Stephanie Jolley
Ann Dyion Jones 9th-Ghorus; 10th-Ghorus; 11th-Chrous,
"Princess" Crossfire; 12th-Ghorus, Dance, FCA, History
Gft.nda Gamt>l4.s ·..-~ ~rM ou~ from h«' w011t to smi~
June 11, 1977 Club-Sweetheart, Dual Enrollment
for tn. cam-.
Angela Kirby
McKnight Achiever's Society, Who's Who,
Ronnie Hughes Band Jennifer Kirby
Scott Hunter Chris Jones Brenda Denise Kite
"Brenny Bren"
Crystal Jones
11th-Track Team
Derrick Jones
Clay Irwin Jessica Koon
leadore Jones
Karrie Jones
Tabatha Jones April Lamar
Edithia Jackson
Ina Jackson Tavisha Jones Justin Lang
Kriety Jackson Jaime Jordan Robert Lavoie
Jennifer Joy Janaeiewicz Thomas Jordan James Lyman Layle
"Jelly Sandwich" "JL"
Jake Joye F ebruary 8, 1978
June 7,1978
"Hold fast to dreams for If dreams die, life is Rachael Justice "Heather, give me the k:eys or I'll schmack:
a broken winged bird that cannot fly." you, I'm driving!"
The Da nc~a rth Brooks Comedown-Bush, Iris-Live
9th-Band, FBLA; 10th-Band, Crossfire; 9th-Swim Team; FFA; 10th-Swim Team-
11t h-Drum Maj or, Crossfire, FCA, Interna- Melissa Keen State, French Club, FFA; 11t h- Swim Team-
tional; 12th-Drum Major, Crossfire, FCA, State, French Club; FFA; 12th-Swim Team,
Photography Tommie Kellum Photography, FCA
Andre Jenkins Brandy Kelly Robert Ledford
216 Srlndex