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Laura Ann Bond Who, Homecoming Court, Homecoming Activi- French Club, Young Republicans, Social Stud-
ties; 12th-Treasurer Student Council, Black ies Club; 11th-French Club, Art Club, Interna-
December 7, 1977
History and Cultural Brain Bowl Team Co- tional Club; 12th-GJSA, State Mock Trial
Rain Song-Led Zepplin
Captain, Lt. Tigerette Dance Team, BETA Team, Homecoming Court
9th-Band; 10th-Art Club, Band; 11th-
Club, National Honors Society, Sgt. at Arms
Band Pre-Collegiate, Historian HOSA, McKnight Amanda Chafine
Ryan Christopher Boone Achiever's Society, Academic Letter, Who's Vernon Ray Chamuerlin
"Boone Dogg" Who, Dual Enrollment, HRS Christmas Party, "Ray Dogg"
February 14, 1978 Student Government Day, Homecoming March 27, 1978
"Later Dog!" Activities, 1995 UF Health Care Summer "If you think you have done something today,
Gangster Paradis~oolio Institute you haven't done anything yet."
9th-football, Soccer; 10th-football, Soc- 9th-Baseball; 10th-Baseball; 11th-Base-
Dana Brannen
cer, french Club; 11th-Football, Soccer, ball; 12th-Baseball
French Club, Interact, CJSA; 12th-Football, Donald L. Breckenridge Jr.
Michael Chatmon
Soccer, French Club, CJSA, FCA "Quacker"
August 16, 1978
Javier Borrero Clinton Christie
"Yea Right"
Bridgette Lee Bourie When I look into your eyes--Firehouse Latoya Clark
"Leroy" 9th-Band, FFA; 10th-Band, FFA; 11th- Kinte Coub
May26,1978 Band,FFA;12th-Band,FFA
BETA, Who's Who Among American High
"Luftwaffe" Joshua Brock School Students, McKnight Achiever
American Pie-Don McLean
11th-french Club; 12th-French Club, Aca- Jake Brooke Grange Coffin
demic Team, History Club, Leo Club
Brandi Nicole Brown Jennifer Lynn Coffin
Jim Bowers "BB" "Jen"
May4,1978 April 25, 1978
Raehida Boyd
"It'll be okay." "What the Whatf'
Lequieha Sharifah Boyer The Dance--Garth Brooks, The Truth Is Lying Now I lay me down-Sophie B. Hawkins
"Q and Pittsburgh" Next To You-Randy Travis 12th-Art, Photography, International
May 24,1978 9th-JV Cheerleading, Varsity Softball; Jenna Lynne Cole
"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never 10th-JV Cheerleading, Varsity Softball, "Jenna, J Cole, Froggy"
know what you're gonna get." Spanish Club; 11th-Art Club, Varsity Soft-
They Don't Really Care About Us ball; 12th-Sports Edito,--Yearbook, Golf July 31, 1978
"I promise; N-E -WAYZ, get over it"
Lucae Boyette Zachary Edward Brown Freak like me
"Luke" 9th-BETA Club, Academic Letter, History
Kimberly Bryant
August 28, 1978 Award; 10th-BETA Club, National Honors
"Hey man, you bugginf'' Quratice Odeeea Bryant Society, Softball, Volleyball, Who's Who
Dead Skin Mask-Slayer "Trice" Among American High School Students,
9th-BETA. Baseball Card Club, CHAOS; January 4, 1978 Academic Letter, French Award; 11th-French
12th-Leo Club, CJSA "Oh no!", "I don't think sol" Club, BETA Club, National Honors Society, Vol-
Tonight-Rude Boys leyball, Who's Who, Academic Letter, English
Melieea Bracewell
Cheerleading, Track, FHA-HERO. Photography Award, Fellowship of Christian Athletes;
Yada Braden Club 12th-Leo Club, BETA Club, National Honors
Society, Sweetheart, Volleyball, Student
Rodgery Bradley Jamille Bullock
Council Representative, Who's Who, Academic
Monica Raynette Brady Jajuan Burgees Letter
Angela Dionne Burris Bryan Collins
October 20,1977
"Keep it on the down low." Laura Collins
You Oughta Kno~'r-Aianis Morissette
Make It Last Foreve,--Keith Sweat
9-10th-JV Cheerleading; 11th-Varsity LaQuez Combe
9th-Student Council Secretary, Lt.
Tigerette Dance Team, State Champs. Trea- Cheerleading "Quez"
November 23, 1977
surer BETA, National Junior Honor Society, Darnell Butler
FBLA, McKnight Achiever's Society, Academ- "What goes around comes around."
9th-Marching Band; 10th-JV-Varsity
ic Letter, Who's Who Among American High
Football, Varsity Weightlifting; 11th-Varsity
School Students, HRS Christmas Party,
Football, Varsity Weightlifting; 12th-Varsity
Student Government Day, Homecoming
Joshua Campl7ell Football-All Area Team for Gainesville Sun
Activities; 10th-Student Council Treasurer,
Lt. Tigerette Dance Team, BETA, National Katherine Canale Leader
Honors Society, Pre-Collegiate Club, FHA, Mu
Tracy Capell Dana Cook
Alpha Theta, McKnight Achiever's Society,
Academic Letter, Who's Who, HRS Christmas John Carlisle Fredreeea Cook
Party, Student Government Day, Homecom-
ing Court and Activities; 11th-Student Mlreya Auxilladora Castellon Megan Coonce
Council, Black History and Cultural Brain "Ita C" James Richard Cothran
Bowl Team Co-Captain, Lt. Tigeret te Dance March 6, 1978
Team, BETA, National Honors Society, Pre- "I don't know" "T-Rick"
Collegiate Treasurer, HOSA, FBLA. McKnight American Music-Violent Femmes Gangsters Paradis~oolio
Achiever's Society, Academic Letter, Who's 9th-Gifted, BETA; 10th-Vice President 10th-J.V. Football
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