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9th-JROTC; 10th-Student Council Repre- Casey Leanne Harrison
sentative, Bible Club; 11th-FHA; 12th- "Uno"
HERO, Leadership. Photography April 6, 1978
"Ooh! I know you didn't!"
Daniel Francie Gaskins 9-12th-Tigerettes
Kaehawnda Trinae Harrison
Gangsta Paradise-Goolio "Shawn, Brown Sugar"
Diter Gates "I'm hungry! and Let's creep!"
Allee Virginia Geiger 9th-JROTC; 12th-Leadership. Pre-colle-
giate, Photography
" Ally"
February 10, 1978 Kelly Harry
10-12th-NHS, Chorus
Adam Hart
Antonio Gibbons
Todd Green
Edna Hawkins
Melissa Erin Giebeig
Michael Greene
June4,1978 Vernon Hawthorne
" Attitude is Everything!" Larry Grice
The Greatest Man I Never Knew-Reba Jessica Haycock
Tiffani Griffin
McEntire Bruce A. Heath, Jr.
9th-Varsity Softball-Best Infielder, Swim Gretzki, Bodean, "Sketch"
Lisa Marie Griffie
Team-Most Valuable, JV Basketball, April 20, 1978
CHAOS-Treasurer, Chorus, Academic Let- "You can have any color car you want as long
March 24, 1978
ter; 10th-Varsity Softball-Best Defensive as it is black."-Henry Ford
Player, Sun Scholar Athlete, Swim Team- Sweet Home Alabama-Alabama
Captain, Varsity Basketball-Most Dedicat- Fantasy-Mariah Carey 9th-Freshman Football; 10th-JV Football;
9th-BETA; 10th-Art; 11th-Art, Spanish,
ed, Art Club, Who's Who, BETA, Chorus, Aca- 11th-Grossfire, FCA; 12th-Grossfire
French, DCT; 12th-DCT-Lt. Governor-
demic Letter; 11th-Varsity
Softbaii-Gapatain-Best Offensive Player- Scrapbook, School Store Manager David Hellman
6A All-State Catcher, Swim Team-Gap- Leslie Eloise Guerry Donald Helm
atain, Varsity Basketball, French Club, Inter-
act, BETA, Vocal Ensemble, Academic Letter; Brandl Nicole Heeter
February 2, 1977
12th-Varsity Softball-captain, Varsity Vol- "All for one and one for all." "Bran-master"
leyball, Most Athletic Girl, Interact, CJSA, July 25, 1978
9th-LC Club; 10th-Grossfire, Volleyball;
Dual Enrollment, Who's Who, BETA, Academic Leather-Tori Amos
11th-Grassfire, FCA, Photography, Volleyball;
Letter 10th-Art Club; 11th-Swim Team, Art Club,
12th-FCA, Photography, Leo, Spanish
Photography; 12th-Swim Team, Art, Pho-
Travis Gilbert tography, Health and Fitness
Donald Gilmore Cynthia Hickox
Kalerla Gilmore Derrick Hall Candace Hiers
Timothy Michael Girard Simple Man-charlie Daniels Corey Hlggone
"Go Gators!"
May24,1977 Karrie Rose Hillhouse
Kiss From A Rose-Seal "Karo"
9-12th-Band-Operations Officers, Chorus, Krletopher Michael Hallberg November 18, 1977
Vocal Ensembler-Sgt. at Arms, Photogra- "Kris" "I reckon it'll work itself out."
phy Club March 2, 1979 When You Say Nothing At All-Keith Whitley
Connie Susan Glenn The End of the World-REM
"Shorty" "Screlnik" Jamar Hille
August 19, 1978
Jodi Teresa Haltiwanger Samantha Hobby
"What'?" July 22, 1978
9th-Envirothon, BETA, Band; 10th-Leo Donna Marie Hollingsworth
'Be true to yourself and find strength in your
Club, Envirothon, Who's Who; 11th-Photogra- "Goofy"
phy, International, Art, Who's Who, Band; May20,1978
Take It Easy-Eagles
12th-Executive Intern, Photography, Leo "Anyways"
9th-Interact, Band; 10th-Interact, Band,
Club Long A I Live-John Michael Montgomery
One Act Plays, FCA; 11th-FCA, One Act 9th-FBLA; 10th-Student Trainer, HOSA;
Hugh Glenn Plays, Drama Clu17--Secretary; 12th-FCA, 11th-HOSA; 12th-GECF
Leo, Photography
Melvin Goggins
Edward Hopper
Richard Hardwick
Angela Gonzalez Mary Elizabeth Hornsby
Aklba Harris August 20, 1978
Joey Gowdy
Phillipians 4:13
Corey Green Jeeeika Harris French Clui7--President, CBE-Treasurer
Jennifer Green Keith Harris Band, Photography '
Srlndex 215