Page 60 - chs-1996
P. 60
{ot CYOtoVltVl~
Hairspray, make--up, lights,
and high huls. This is the. story
whe.n thirU.e.n young ladie-s took
the. stage. to compe-te. for the.
crown of Miss C H S . The. judge.s
we-re. face-d with a hard de.cision ,
Pt-cause. e-ve-ryone. was
Front f?Dw: st.aci Lockl~y. Apri fucker, SUmmer
Rowan, fara WIUiams/s"ond runner-up, fung-
'r\Jn Yan4 SOon~ Strawder. Back row: Adrian
Cox. Nicol• Sh•fftitld/ fourth runner up, Krist.y
Jana Powdl's smil• shows why sh~ was
Jackson/ third runner up, Jana f>owdl, Marissa
1995-96 Miss CHS, Marissa North is congrat.ulaUd voUd Miss Congu1iait.y.
North/Mss CHS, ~<ithia .Jackson/frst.rumer1.41,
l>y former quun, Priscila Zahner.
Sara Cart.«.
f111aUst.s fara 'MIIiams, Marissa North, and Krist.y Sara Cart« and SUmmer Rowan shar. a hug l>•f~ Edit.hia Jackson giv~ ~ judg~ a s mil• in her
Jackson await. th• announc•mU'It. t.akf'lg t.h• stage. llis is a gr~t. tim~ t.o mak~ fri~ds. w~ing w~r. Sh• scor~ hi~ v.1t.h ~veryonc.
54 Miss CHS