Page 61 - chs-1996
P. 61

~i.$$  Columbi.~n

                  1t'~~th~r s~u($
       SeYJto'l'  :1YJ.:::Iex  £.:::1Lto'l'  ~Yl.:::l  Sfo'l'ts  Co-£.:::1Lto'l'

                         You  two  h~11e  beeYl  the  oYJeS  we  kYleW  we  cou~ couYJt  OYI  th'l'ou~hout
                   the  eYltl'l'e  f'l'o.:::lucttoYJ  of  thts  book.  ;Not  oYJL~  .:::!(.:::{  ~ou  .:::lo  ~ou'l'  owYl  Jobs
                   be~uttfuU~.  but  ~ou  helfe.:::l  wLth  othe'I'S '  ~tso.  You 'I'  .:::le.:::lk~t(oYl  h~s  m~.:::le  ou'l'
                   book  el7eYl  mo'l'e  Sfed~t.  ~t17tYl~  (t  ~  ce'l't~(Yl  w~l'mth  th~t  c~Yl  oYJL~  be
                   uYJ.:::Ie'l'stoo.:::l   b~  those  of  us  who  h~11e  become  S~l7eS  to  .:::le~.:::ltLYJeS .
                   f'I'OSfecto'I'S  of  c'I'OfftYl~  feYldts  ~Yl.:::l  ftc~  'l'ule'l's,  ~Yl.:::l  c'l'us~.:::lei'S  who  Ylel7e'l'
                   ~~17e  Uf  the  f~ht fo'l'  ~ comrute'l'  Wtth  l'ektoYl  OYI  (t.  l'o~ethe'l'  We  tl'l'elesst~
                   C'l'e~te.:::{  ~Yl.:::{  fUt  to~ethe'l'  the  rteceS  th~t  make  ur  thts  maSte'l'rtece .  .1vtost
                   reorte  .:::loYl 't  'l'e~t(~e  aU  the  WO'I'k  (t  takes  to  rut  somethtYl~  thLs  b~ aYl.:::l
                   hYifO'I't~Ylt  to~ethe'l' .  .J4tt  the  sweat,  teal'S.  aYJ.:::I  st'l'eSS  ~t~cks ha11e  beeYl  welt
                   wo'l'th  Lt.
                         l'hts  book  ts  ~ ~tft  {!'om  the  ~e~'l'book  s~ff to  the  school.  esred~tt~
                   the  C~ss of 199b.  ~Yl.:::t  thts  ra~e ts  ~ ~tft  {!'om  .1vt'I'S.  Ca'l'te'l'  ~Yl.:::~  me  to  ~ou,
                   fo'l'  c~'l'tYl~  eYJou~h  to  ~t17e  (t  ~ou'l'  aU.  We  hore  that  el7e~oYle  wLU  'l'eat(~e
                   an.:::!  ~rf'l'ec~te  the  ext'l'a  effo'l't  ~ou 'l7e  rut  tYltO  the  Cotumb~Yl .  WLthout  ~ou.
                   Lt  wou~ YJot  h~11e  beeYl  the  success  (t  Ls.  l'haYlkS  to  ~ou'l'  h~.,..:::{  wo'l'k,  thts
                   htsto'l'~  we  h~l7e  C'l'eate.:::l  tS  somethtYl~  that  reorle  wtlt  W~Ylt  to  'l'e17tstt  tYl
                   the  futu'l'e,  ~Yl.:::l  th~t ts  the  'l'eat  rul'rose  of a  ~eal'book.
                         We  ~frl'ec~te ~oul'  extl'aol'.:::ltYlal'~  wol'k  ~Yl.:::l  we  Lo11e  ~oul
                                               .S~I'ah  ~U~. £.:::1Ltor-(~-chLef
                                                  Col17tYl  Ca 'l'ter .  .J4.:::117tso'l'

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