Page 64 - chs-1996
P. 64


            ~t.ituis passe.<~ do~m from  Jasmine.  8dlotu to   S4nior attc.ndant,  8c.<;ky Odom  and  c.scort  Matt
            Kely R.ot>inson                       Kal1ton

             Sc.nior  atUrldant,  PnsciUa  Zahner  and  c.scort   SU1i«' attc.ndant, Mirc.ya  Castdlon and C.SC<lrt  Matt   1996  Homc.<;oming  q~Jun,  Ktlly  Rot>inson  and
             Norman Cooper                        Holings worth                        c.sC<lrt Eric Ha miton

          58  Homecoming Court
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69