Page 85 - chs-1996
P. 85
Michell~ Simpkins
W~di Singlttary Of aU the people 'Who co me and
April Skinner go in Ute a ~est friend is the
Randy Sladt one 'Who sticks through it all.
Carl Smil:tl They are the ones 'Who lend you
th~r favorite pair of jeans and
th~r ~est shoulder to cry on.
They are the ones, when
every~ody including your
Erika Smil:tl
dentist forgets to send you a
Guini:<ln Snil:tl
~irthday card gives you thru
Prtcious Snell
red roses for your sixteenth
Ctvisty Spurlock
~irthday. Of all the things that
Rol:lu t Stanlty
will ~e remem~ered and
forgotten a~out high school
your ~est friend is the one 'Who
~II go throu9h it all ~th you so
Joanna Sta~ you won't go throu9h it alone
Ashlty Stwtns and so you will have wonderful
Adam Suwart memories to take to collt9e or
Christopher Suwart 'Wh«ev« life takes you.
Rachel Si:<lnt
Kt'Yin Si:<lry
Shonta Strawder
Shawn Strickland
8rookt. SWI:II:Is
Toni SJggs
Julalyn S-wish«
Christina Tayior
Jonal:tlan Ta)'lor
KeiW Tayior
'MUiam TtmpltS
Miguel T eptdino
Alisca Thomas
Amanda Thomas
D~ist. Thomas
Kim Thomas
Matl:tltw Thomas
Melissa Thomas
Ravin Thomas
Roger Thomas
Dc.anna Tomlinson
Tiffany T orrans
Carol Tunsil
Macktn:zlt. Turi:IVYIII•
D~nis Tumer
Tip Tyier
Kelly Uphaus
Juniors 79