Page 60 - chs-1997
P. 60
Jut the
Griftin, I iah
Griftin, Rebecca
Grift! , Mar •
Gunter, Tiffanv
Gu tav on, Chellv
Hadley, Chn~~ie •
Hale, Holly
Hale, lind~e\'
Hall, Danielle
Haltiwanger, Julie
Harrell, Tim
Hart n-Jone , Aatione
Haw in , Latonva
Haw in~, Terra~ce
Heller, Alama
Hentzelman, jo h
Herm man, Tabatha
Hershman, , ·ick
Hme ·, :\1ari
Hmg n, \tarla
Hm le, Carlv
HJtchc , Kri tine
Hopper,Je ~
Hornsby, Amanda
Hostetler, Brad
Hough, hann n
Howard, Wendv
Howell, Domm;que
Hudson, Corinne
Hud n, Ryan
Huff, D.J.
Hunt, Amanda
Ben BrO\\ n takes a qmck break after a strenuous swim
Garry Ward proudly shows off his deer. Hunting
Josh Hentzelrnan gives his intellectual advice to his fellow
is a popular sport with many of the CHS students.
54 Juniors