Page 63 - chs-1997
P. 63
for the Taking
Who ever td vour Jun10r ear wa easf? Certamly not a Juntorl
Your Juruor car of htgh hool 1 a hard one You are v.orking
toward our Seruor ear 11u mean takmg a man\ A T and
SAT po hle so }OU v.11l quahf} for holar h1p and grant It aJI
tart the da\ \OU through the H door as a Juruor One
thm 1 p hed on )OU after another and 'OU feel It e )OU are gomg
to hreak but mehov. ou pull through Even though our Junior
ear 1 tres ful, tr\ and have me fun at C H. becau our da\
here are now hrmted
Courtne\' Robert and Apr)Jl West are read\' for me great count!) Michael Momson, W1le eagle, Bl e nuth, and Garrett Miller
mu tc at "lnc Jam' goof otl m the Ag Department in their b1g belt buckle and cov. bo~
McKee Amanda
McKt. soc , Jaune
McManus, Cf)stal
McQuet!Il ina)ne
McRae, Dustm
Meacb Chad
Mean Mtke
Merm Chn tma
MlJler, Garrett
MiJler, Jo. h
MizeJI, Michael
Mizzoru, A·hle\
Monroe, Dill) I
Moon Chri
Moore Michelle
Mom - n. Michael
Mn·tca . ..,av.yence
Munro ha.anar
Jun10rs 57