Page 61 - chs-1997
P. 61

Right time ...

  Hale gets the Jumor  pumped up at the pep rail)   Kell)  \  ilson is ah\a)S socializing in The Commons.

                                                                                                 Hunter, ~iichelle
                                                                                                Jack  on,  hautrelle
                                                                                                }a\ idi, Enc
                                                                                                 Jenkins, Tammy
                                                                                                 jen  in , Terra
                                                                                                 Jennin  , Jackie
                                                                                                 Jennmg , Raym  nd
                                                                                                 Jernigan, Wayne
                                                                                                John.....  n, fame~
                                                                                                John~on, Ja~on
                                                                                                john~ n, Kimberly
                                                                                                john_  n,  1andy
                                                                                                jones, Bruce
                                                                                                jones, Bryan
                                                                                                jone , Januchael
                                                                                                jone , Ronnie
                                                                                                 Jordan, Cmdy
                                                                                                 Kal  n,  L1~a
                                                                                                 Kam, Laura
                                                                                                 Kanc1ha,  'atrina
                                                                                                 Kell  , Candace
                                                                                                 'endnc  , Ant  mo
                                                                                                 'ennm ,t  n, Ke\·m
                                                                                                 Kerr,  Lydia
                                                                                                 'Ilhan,  ~1att
                                                                                                 Kin  , Br  en
                                                                                                 Kmf.;, Dal
                                                                                                1\.  ng, Elizabeth
                                                                                                 K ng,  ara1
                                                                                                1\.n ght,J  hn
                                                                                                 Kohn, Kurti
                                                                                                 '  ln6, Tere  e
                                                                                                             Jun•ors  55
   56   57   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66