Page 65 - chs-1997
P. 65

All  of u  ha\e  our mernone  of elernt.."tltm)   hool,  tbla  ·,  and
                                                               L C M S  Some are funm ,  some nrc ernbarra  mg, but all of them
                                                               arc  pcctal  Hernl."tltnr)  da   \\l.'Te  great,  but  the best   hool  ~ear
                                                               "   6th grade, when the cia.  of 199  wa  uruted for  the fir  t  time
                                                                c :t  ear \\C \\111  be untted for  the  Ia  time.  It  \\111  be   d  but tt
                                                               \\111  be an Important  ep toward  our future  The cl   of9  \\111  be
                                                                pectal  to all of u  for there  of our hve  and  e \\111  never forget
                                                               ea  h other

                 Leah  rruthe\ al\\a\  dtd have a btg mouth'   Tabttha   tm.  and Am   orman are enjo~mg their food  at Quine)
                                                           on a 6th grade field tnp

                                                                                                Rice, Kim
                                                                                                Richard:>, Meredtth
                                                                                                Rlchar<b, Ton)
                                                                                                Ring, Pre ·ton
                                                                                                Roberts, Courtne)
                                                                                                Robert.  n  Ltsa
                                                                                                Rocheleau  Jame
                                                                                                Rogers  Je · ·tea
                                                                                                Rogers, Luct
                                                                                                Ro·, La.houn
                                                                                                R<'  m, Jamte
                                                                                                RO\\e, Arru  t
                                                                                                Ro)al, Tim
                                                                                                Ru. sel  \lv end)
                                                                                                R)an.   m
                                                                                                R\kard . ._aura
                                                                                                Scarpa, Chri  tma
                                                                                                 ceal, Tma
                                                                                                  hwab, Amanda
                                                                                                  hwab, Chri
                                                                                                  hwartz 1  Bnan
                                                                                                  ott, Heather
                                                                                                 cott, Ml hael
                                                                                                 ebnng   atalie
                                                                                                  lbe, Ben
                                                                                                 hatTer, Jamte
                                                                                                 haheen, Glenn
                                                                                                 herman, Broo  e
                                                                                                 herrouse  Rand)

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