Page 77 - chs-1997
P. 77
"Thi pictur i n't going in the yearbook, Eating at the Olive Garden, Kelly Stith, Emily Plunket and hannon John
say they're dressed for Tacky day.
i it?" Courtney Evan screams. Amber Granger, and Olivia Rios.
Lamonda, Trav1::.
Land, Meli::.::.a
Lang, Lacey
Lang. T1a
Laudtg, Brown
Lawhun, Can a
Lawerence, Jonathan
Lee, Andrea
Lee, D dric
Lee, Ketth
Lee, Roc y
Lee, Tabatha
Lets,, ancy
Lewis, Tashma
Libasci, Anthony
Ltberty, Lt a •
Litchfteld, Amanda
Ltvmg::.ton, Jacob
Loadholtt , Brandon
Loc amy, Lunda
Loc lev, Ronald
Lott, Kelh
Lowe::., Jeff
Luecke, Amber
Lussier, Todd
:\1aa , Vanessa
Madden, Jarrett
:\1aple::., Cynthta
~larcum, Joseph
\1arkham, Keith
\1artin, Denard
~1arvel, Christy
Mathew , Candace
McCall, Chns
McCall, Jason
McCray, Dusty
:\1cCrav, Jo hua
:\kCulk, jesstca
:\leD nald, Ru::. ell
~1cDowell, Htllary
McDuftle, Thoma
McGuigan, Gary
McGuire, hame a
Mclnt h .. 1athe\\
McKmlev, Daniel
:\lcLaugnhn, Andrea
:-...1cLaughlin, Ja::.on
~tc. 'i::.h, Knsten
McRae, Leah
, tee ~' Chnsta
Meili e, Jonathan
.\tercer, Charle::.
Michael . hawn
.\tiller, William
1tllette, Katnna
1trra, . Iegan
Sophomores 71