Page 73 - chs-1997
P. 73
Broxterman, Jodi
Bryant, Chn
Bryant, Reb cca
Bulloc , Margie
Burch, Billy
Burg , Stephani
Burnett, Kim
Bum, Ah
Bu sch r, Du tm
But! r, Ja on
Butler, Lavelle
Butt , Calvin
Byrd, hannon
Caley, Bill
Campbell, Adam
Campbell, Davtd
CanaleJO, Tiffeney
Canaley, Charhe
Cannon, Bnan
Carr, Cry5 tal
Carngg, Kathy
Car~on, Mt e
Carter, Ahce
Carter, Todd
Carter, Verlon
Cartwnght, :\1elissa
Chapman, nya
Chtsolm, T racv
Chnstie, . 1tdiael
Clem ns, , ancy
Clyatt, Brad
Cobb, Chn
Cohee, Courtnev
Colbazl, tephen
Collette, Rozala
Colhn, Chn
Colhns, Rodnev
Comb~. Jared •
Conlev, T obv
Contreras, C:arlo::.
Coo , Archte
Coo , Roberta
Coonce, tephen
Cooper, Brandy
Coppac , \'anon
Cox, Amy
Cox, Brad
Cox, Jenmfer
Craig, Ca ev
Cratg, Tro;;
Crawford, Debra
Crawf rd, Veronita
Crav, Cednc
Cre\\·s, . 1att
"Don't look at u we didn't do anything!" Brian Laudig There are many friendly face here at school, Christina
and Jame mith are trying to convince our cameraman Brown took a moment to show u her .
that they're not in trouble. Sophomores 67