Page 74 - chs-1997
P. 74

r  u::.~. Brandt
               C ul  ttl, R  bert
               D,1)  •,  'ichbu
               Dampi~r. Meh~::.a
               Dandr~,1, T  m
               Dani~I-., Sha\\:n
               Da\J  _  n, B  bbv
               Da\ 1  ,   • hlcy  •

               Ot?lat  ~. Amber
               Delgado, Phtlhp
               DICks, Adam
               Die  ,  Tn  ta
               Dtpartl, , 'teo)
               Dt  n,  D  wam-.ha
               D  r_ett, jcnnt
               D  rtly, -hequ1ta


               phom  re  know that group  wor  pay  off.            Sophomores are anxiou ly waiting to hear what Mr.Huddlc  ton  ha
                                                                    say at the first a   mbly.

                D  ugla  ,  h  ila
                Drawdy, Gene
                Dubas, Ric  i
                Duhart, Tony
                Du  e~. Jeff
                Durrill, Peter
                Dge, Terry
                Ea  terly, J.P.
                Eber, Angela
                Edenfield, Kendra
                Edward~. Steven
                Eaman, Martine
                Epp~. Soo-Lmg
                Evans, Alit  on
                Evans,  Btlly
                Evans, Courtney
                Evan~. Frank
                Evans, Stmeon
                Fanney, Chnt
                Faulkner, Renee
                Fea  le, Amanda
                Fennell, Mazte
                Ft  e, Tmue

          68  Sophomores
   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79