Page 72 - chs-1997
P. 72

ow and Then Sophomores Get a Little Crazy

                   Comin • to the "big  U  I
                    B • Tara  llbon
                    Culture ~hl 1..   ,  ma~ be n~.)t, but 1t
                    th, t came out of m~ m  uth "ere "B,)  •,  L!>  th1.., ..,ch  ol b1  .", 'e'er
                    had I  een ., )  man · pe  pie in one pic  e.  We ",1lked   '' n  the
                    h  II  w1th  that ")e..,, I am ,  .,  ph  more and ) e  I am  onfu  ed,
                    could ) ou plea~e help me 1.  ut before I embar,.,  m:-.  If," I  k on
                     ur face..,,
                    There wa!> one item that, after being  tud1ed for -.e\ era( nunuk ,
                    became a God ~ent h1ft  fr  m the hea\ en::. placed  n th1  earth JU  t
                    tor u~  phomore  , and that \\a::. a map., 'o, 1t wa  not a map of
                    hidden trea~ure~, nor dtd it  hold the meaning of lift•, but to  u~
            more-. the map of  H ·\\a  the  C)  to our ..,ur\'1\'c l. Well, at
                    lea-.t 1t directed u~ t  our ne  t clc
                     Our arri,·al ma)  ha\ e been calm, but you can bet  ur departure
                    will be loud.  \\e ma:  be the cub-.  of the Jungle nm,, but   n
                    enough "e \\ 1ll  be the roann  tJger-. do::. in • out the t\\ enhcth
                    centur:, , nd all '' e'll ha\ e to  , y 1-.  that '' e warned ) ou, didn't

              Albritton,  Kerri
              Alf  rd, ~telanie
               Jford,, 'cal
              Alford, Tame  hia
               lien, Ja  n
               lh.  n,  Bill
               lh::-.on,  Tara
              Ah cr-.  n, Da\ 1d
               mbr  ::.,Ja.  n
               nder  n, Heather
               nder  n, J  h
               nder~ n,  tephame
              Armstead, Trema
              Arnold, Brandon
              Arteaga, Angela
              Arth,. 1eh  a
              A  h, Chn  ty
              Averv,  En  a
              Ba  er,  ham•  a
              Barber, Joel
              Barne  ,  Tricia
              Barney,  Marv
              Barry,  Apnl'
              Ba  !:>,  Alhs  n
              Bass, Jeff
              Bedenbaugh, Steven
              B 1l,  D.].
              Bell,  Brandon
              Bell,  La  1 ha
              Berryh11l, Amanda
              Blanton, Kyle

              Bourie, Juhe
              Bowen, Kelly
              Bowen,  an
              Bowie~,  a1ja
              Boyette, Matt
              Bradlev, Dekela
              Brantley, Mitchell
              Breeden, Chnstme

              Brehm, Kaylen
              Bnn  ley, Apnl
              Bnn  ley,  Travis
              Bro\  n, Chn  tma
              Brown, Je  e
              Brown, Kri  ten
              Brown,  Mary
              Brown,  huneka

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