Page 142 - chs-1998
P. 142

throu •h
                                          communi!)  en icc pro ect
                    logan  i  u  ed  many  time"   proJect  are  Teen  umn11t.
           ughout  the  FF   e  perience.  Future   Lhool  lmpnner1e   riminal   a  e
        Farmer  of  merica i  a leader  hip organi-  .\naly  is. and the HR) C hri..,trnas part) .
        zation th  t cater  to more youth aero  thi   Future  Homemak  r  of  \m  rica
        natwn thun an.  other youth oriented dub m   (FHA)  i   pon  ored  b)  1r  . Jud  r\yer  .
        the L   In La  e Cit). the  olumh a  c  or  The  purpo  e  of thi  club  1  to  cncou  ge
        Ff   .,  n\ oh ed in  n uny  dl\ er e LOmmu-  leader  hip. build communil.:ation  ill , and
        nit)  and  chool proj  L   e of the better   trengthen famil)  ties.  In order to j  in the
         no\.\.n  cti\itie  are the  Food for  meri  a   club  a  -.tudent  mu  t  ha\e  taJ..:cn  ,  Home
        project  \\.here  FF  member   pea  to  el-
        ement  ry  tudent  ab )Uta  areerin agricul-
        ture .  Leader  hip  chool i  another impor-
        tant e\ ent for FF  .  There are contc  t  nd
        opportunitie  to  meet  other ) oung  people
        imol\ed in  griculture in thi  area.
               - Luci Roger

        Cr 'llinal Ju  tice  mean  Learning the  La\\..
         e'\ing the  Community  and  mpo\.\.ering
        Ot.r ehe  '  The  motto  i  'Together  \.\.e
         L  1e  e  the e  traordinary ".  Criminal  Ju  -
        t Le  tudent  are prmided \.\. ith a !!reat leam-
        ine e  pcrience during the  cond  erne  ter.
        The  tudent   h  d  \.\. ed  e\ era]  different
         riminal  Ju  tice  agencie  in   olumbia
         ount_.  Club  member  learn  the  many
        facet  of law enforcement and learn about

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