Page 146 - chs-1998
P. 146
Learning more about
~our elf and your beliefs and goal · make
place to b
he tudent who are luL k) enoueh to get in encethepa ttWO)car ha ben thebe tof
the Em ironmcnt I eadem) get to u e 111) high t:hool carcer! I could not ha\e
hand one perience to enhance their learn- ked for bdtcr teat: her or gained a much
ing. The cad~.:m) i ideally located near the know led_t \pia e el c < n campt
hore o lligator Lake and tudenb u e The Fellow hip of 'hri tian Athl te~ t'> a
thi giant cia -;room to learn more about nationalo a11 tion p)n orcd by Co· Lh
their em ironment and th peri I of pollu- 1urph_. The purpo e of the club i., to
tion. The member h \e gained a ne\\ promote hri-.tian Fellow hip among actt\ c
re pe t for the great outdoor thank to their
high t:hool athlete and fan . The onl)
teacht:r nd p n or, 1 . Laune Bauer nd n:quiremt to b~.: mcmb rofthc tudcnt
Mr. Todd Wtdergren. bod\ at C H The F enjo) ed ha\ ing
What i the c dem) all ab mt'? It i at\\ o mc;tmg 1d ... ending dif~ rent memb r
ye r proeram th t tart the junior year, In churche to get new per pccth e on other
the cademy tudent ha\e the opportunity t) pe'> of Chri'>tian \\Or h1p. lthough tht
tot ke c\ era! da e that .... re 1t1 dfered Of!
club i relathely new on c mpu . the_ h \C
the rceular chedule fonn tudent al o made a definite po iti\ e impre ion on the
ha\ e the chance to partiL p<. e 1 e\ era I
hand -on ct \ t: ... oppo ed to b k work Th Fire tub i mall hut cthc.
all of the timt o'l1e of tho e cti\ itie'> are Mr. Tom e \tOn i the pon..,or. Thi" club
canoeing, te pon < r meeting at the Flag Pole to how
feeling. and h
unity nd e perient:e pra) er with peer . Thi
prepared peeche to b u ed in emin r . i an cthit) that take place in man)
The tudent at o ha\ e the pm liege of tak- ~ roughout the country. olumbia
ing Fre hman omp I and II with. 1 . B uer Hit- L ool tudcnt enjo)ed gathering b)
in the eadem ' portable. Thi is a really tht p L t) promote unit_ and under tand-
o d thino in e tudent do not h \e to l!O
ing. The pmy er that were offered at o had
~the colkge and are getting college credit pea em king c t:Ll on tudent who cho e
whtle doing work at the high chool. hie_ not to participatL ee ) ou t the POLE!!
1i7loni commented, " 11 my e perience
Clubs, 142