Page 144 - chs-1998
P. 144

                                                 a  ca1
             inter  t in language acth itie

             ch  I leader                     0 I planning,leading.

               Homecoming acthitie

         lr .   atrina  TO\\-n  end  .  tud ·nt   member  participated in  the  HRS  Chri  t-
       coun~..   pon  or  nd leader  h p teacher ha   m  party for needy children. tned top, rticJ-
       had a ~and malmo  t e\el) activit) that ha~  pate  m  the  Homccomin'  parade  and  al..,o
       t  en  p a~..e  out  ide  the  tr  dition  I  cia  -  h, d   to Tampa  nd Gainl:  'ilk.
              h  ha  had  an  e\cellent  tall of   The  French  Club  i  'pon  ored  b)  Mr  .
                  i  t her.  The le  der  hip cl   arol Wi  c.  The purpo  col thi  club i  to
        nd the  tudent co unci I repre  entati\ e.., hm e   fo  tcr  n intcre  tin French rclall:d  cti\ itic
       been the mo-.t acti\ e  leader  o  the -.chool.   nd to participate in  en icc-related C\ ent".
         ne of the biege  t event  th<..t  tudent Coun-  To  be  member  )OU  mu  t  b  tnrolkd  in
       cil participated in w  ..,  HomeLOmmg .   French I or ha\ e h, d F·rench I   ome of the
         The purpo  e oft  e  tudent Council i  to   highlight  of the year arl:  l1eld  r p  to  ee
       repre  ent the  tudt.nt body  in  mal\ing dl:CJ-  F-rench  play  . an exhib1h, or other french
        ion  regarding  chool  acth itie   nd  pro-  related  cultural  C\ent  .  French  Club al  o
        moting po  ithe  ehool  pirit.    trkd to\\ c  ther the  torm  nd participate in
          11  repre  entati\e  were elected  b.  their   the  Homecoming  parade  and  they  helped
        fir  t block c1   . To be a  tudent council r  p   \\ ith the  hri  tma  part)  for d1  dvantaged
        )OU  mu  t  ha\e  at  lea  t  a  2.0.  no  major   children.
       di  ipline i  ue  . mu  t attend m~.:eting  and   Keeping  p~.:pped up  i  no  problem  for
        participate in  tudent cot. K   Ctl\ 111e  .   o  ch Murph) and hi   piritcd Pep  lub!!
           new  acti\ it)  that  the  tudent  ounc1I   The purpo  of the Pep (  ubi  to  up port all
        in  muted  thi  • ear wa  \\  nterFe  t.  Thi   athletic C\ent  t CH   Club member   re
        \\a  a  mini  Homecoming  for  the  winter   \\ell  known  for  p.lrt L  ;JJting  in  p~.:pmlly
          rt  .  :\tany  tc  eher  h  d  their  tudcnt   and arl:  I  o  ing ~  rnard to a  p  ial end of
                                          the )e  r field tnp. To b  a memb  r  tudcnt
                                          mu  t ha\ e no maj  r referral  and ha\ e  2.0
                                          GP   fter  the  fir  t  nin  w el:k  of  hool.
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