Page 147 - chs-1998
P. 147

Band  n eetheart
                                                                                               Ke. hia Rentz repre ented
                                                                                               the Band a.  their 5·neet-
                                                                                               heart.  he  reall~ enjo)ed
                                                                                               norking \~ith her fellon
                                                                                               band member  to put on
                                                                                               the \\Onderful halftime
                                                                                                ho\\  during football
                                                                                                ea  on.

                                                                                               H   \  5\ e  theart
                                                                                               Far L  ft:R  pr  nting a
                                                                                               club a  acthe and'~ II
                                                                                               kno" n a  HO  A na  no
                                                                                               probl  m for Felicia 'lot
                                                                                               and Jam  Grim  le~

                                                                                                          Cubs, 143
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