Page 160 - chs-1998
P. 160
Smile Pretty! Arrtvtng at Strike A Pose! Before per-
ca •. p n ksonvtlle, Cesste Ltzotte, formtng th r I 1me routtne at camp,
Jesstca Stalnaker, Jackt Johnson. Laura Laura Murphy, Jackt Johnson, Jesstca
Murphy, Karen O'Neal, mJesstca Stalnaker, Cesste Ltzotte, Crystal
Swanko, Megan Conlon, and Casey Cox Tucker, and Jesstca Swanko have a
gather for a ptcture before a week of group hug to wtsh each other good luck
danctng before the performance.
Dance Fever
uring the spring
of 1997
Tigerette tryouts
were held.
Nineteen girls
were chosen for
the Junior Var-
sity Tigerette
Dunng the summer both squads
attended a NCA Dance Camp held
at the University of North Florida in
Jacksonville, Florida. The girls were
at the camp for four days. Here they
learned many dances wh1ch fans
can see performed at the J.V.
Football games. Every mornmg the
g1rls got up around 5:30 to get ready
for the long day. They ate breakfast
at the cafeteria and went straight to
the gym to warm up. After warm ups
there would be many different
classes to attend. In the classes the
girls would learn dances to bnng
back home to perform. The dancers Friends Forever Bottom H- Brooke
day would finally be over around
11 :OOpm, after practicing in the
dorms The highlight of the year
was attending National Competition Simpson Crysta T er Brldg 11 Brann011 M n
in San Anton1o, Texas Conlon Jes leaSw o Kar nO Brandil W1S
156 JV Ttgerettes